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Absolutely NOTHING is syncing on new iPad!

Hi, everyone! I'll post an intro separately, but right now I'm frustrated and desperate!

I bought a 32GB iPad today, and excited plugged it in to sync with iTunes. I was careful to select only a select high-priority selection of videos, music, and photos so the first sync wouldn't take too long.

Well, it acted like it synced... it said it was synchronizing, both on the iPad and in iTunes... but when I checked the iPad, nothing was there -- no videos, not a single playlist, not a single photo.

I plugged it in again to start another sync, but the same thing happened.

I rebooted, started up iTunes again, and started a new sync... much to my frustrating, there are still NO photos, movies, TV shows, or songs on my iPad.

Some relevant facts:
  • I'm using iTunes 10 (specifically,
  • When it starts the sync, iTunes takes a very long on the "backing up" phase. Then, as soon as the "backing up" phase ended, the iPad chimed as though it was finished syncing, and no longer says it's syncing. iTunes, on the other hand, continued claiming it was syncing.
  • The very first sync, however, iTunes showed all the various songs, TV shows, etc. it was supposedly syncing. I received no error messages.
  • When I click to the iPad tab within iTunes, it claims it has 16GB worth of videos, music, and photos. So, it thinks they are there, or at least they are taking up space on the iPad... so why can't I get to them??
  • The apps have synchronized just fine, as have Calendar and Contacts.
  • I've confirmed that all the correct things are checked (to have it sync certain playlists etc.), so that's not the issue.
  • I'm Apple-product savvy (have two iPhones, three iPods, have never had a single problem with any of them, and am a bit of a geek) - so whatever this problem is is nothing immediately obvious
Needless to say, I'm rather frustrated, especially since I spent this afternoon buying movies, TV shows, and apps specifically for my new iPad, and it doesn't recognize even one of them.

Any ideas?? I've searched but can't find this specific problem. Thanks so much in advance!!

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Update: I just now synced (or attempted to) for the fifth time. This time seemed promising... iTunes was telling me things like "Determining which tracks to sync" and the like... both the iPad and iTunes were tied up for at least 15 minutes synchronizing, supposedly... this time, it has mysteriously synced three of my videos, all of my playlists (from what I can tell), but still no photos (even though I just double-checked my photo sync settings). Well, I'll take it... I'd rather have a few than none at all!

BTW, I didn't change a thing since my last unsuccessful sync - didn't check or uncheck anything different - so I have NO idea why it decided to recognize some of the videos and all of the music (from what I can tell). Oh well!
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try this click on your ipad, then the photos, there is an option to automatically add all photos, or selected photo folders only
ARGH!!!!!! I decided to sync again after adding another couple of movies, and it once again it acted as though it was syncing perfectly... iTunes named which movies it was supposedly loading onto the iPad.

But when it finished, ALL the music and ALL the movies are gone once again, even the ones I was able to start watching a few minutes before!! It says, once again, "No Music - You can download music from iTunes" etc. just as though I had never synchronized anything.

What is going on??! Has anyone had this problem at all? I know I'm synchronizing correctly - there seems to be no rhyme or reason to whether a given sync will work (so far, I'm 1 for 6).

Thanks, jOyful, but that was the very first thing I did. Didn't work.
i understand your frustration especially since the ipad doesnt come with a manual. i didnt encounter such problem. hey , why not call apple support to walk you through with troubleshooting.
, why not call apple support to walk you through with troubleshooting.

This is sound advice and what I did when I got my iPad home, before I found this forum.

I called my local Apple store in the mall where I purchased it! I would say about 5 times the first day! They were very nice and very helpful ~ they def know me.:D
I called my local Apple store in the mall where I purchased it! I would say about 5 times the first day! They were very nice and very helpful ~ they def know me.:D
But not as well as we do.... and we definitely like you more... even though you haven't given us $900! (But we would take it!) Just make the check out to me!
I didn't have any problems when I did my first sync, but the other day I had to try it at least 5 times before I was able to sync. I don't know what the heck was going on. The iPad seems to have more glitches than all the other Apple products we own. I've had syncing problems, WiFi drops, having to turn it off and back on to get a cell signal. I love the iPad, but it certainly isn't as reliable as my iPhone.
Apple has a 150 page manual on their site for the iPad. They could have at least put a note in the packaging to let you know.
Apple has a 150 page manual on their site for the iPad. They could have at least put a note in the packaging to let you know.
I agree that this would have been a simple enough solution to at least let people know that there are several ways to get the manual, but Apple's marketing shows that most iPad users already own another Apple mobile device so I guess they are assuming that we should already know what we are doing!
Since you have multiple iDevices I wonder if you did what I did originally, and used the cable you already had hooked up to your compuer?

When I switched to the cable that came with my iPad my sync issues went away.
Since you have multiple iDevices I wonder if you did what I did originally, and used the cable you already had hooked up to your compuer?

When I switched to the cable that came with my iPad my sync issues went away.

On that vein, she mentions 2 phones and 3 pods, which is 5, and that is the max number of iThingies you can authorize, if I recall. Just a theory.
The easiest way to use an iDevice is to let iTunes be a mirror. Just allow it to sync everything in iTunes and iPhoto and all will be well....otherwise you will encounter problems. To manually sync things you have to tell it you want to manually select items...but you can't go back to sync all after that...it will wipe your device. It's kinda dumb in that respect.

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