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Absolutely NOTHING is syncing on new iPad!

Since you have multiple iDevices I wonder if you did what I did originally, and used the cable you already had hooked up to your compuer?

When I switched to the cable that came with my iPad my sync issues went away.

I've never even unwrapped the cable that came with either of my iPads and have had no issues whatsoever.
I've never even unwrapped the cable that came with either of my iPads and have had no issues whatsoever.

I still have the docking cable that came with my Nano in the USB port and it works fine and I used another docking cable just for the charger. I only wish I had more of the cables with the larger docking connector!
All Apples device documentation is online

It always has been easily downloadable as PDFs, mine are stored in iBooks on my iPad.

The same holds true for most other manufacturers these days as well, the windows machines included.
Update: Well, I haven't done a thing differently whatsoever, but it now seems to be syncing with no problems. For a while there it would alternately sync correctly, then wipe everything clean with the next "sync." But now I've had at least 5 successful syncs in a row... so hopefully the problem has magically disappeared.

On another note, I've successfully filled up my 32GB iPad in less than 36 hours! :D Most of that is movies, TV shows, and video postcasts that I stuffed onto it to test the size limit... I really don't need everything on there at once, but I'm definitely happy with my last-minute decision to go with 32GB over 16GB.

I figure by the time I start to regret not getting the 64GB, they will have a new iPad out that I'll need to get and this one will become a gift to my hubby or parents.

Thanks again for the help, all! Trip, I didn't think to check their online manual; thanks for mentioning that. Will take a look through it to see if there are any features I haven't discovered yet!
Good on you, have a nice time with your iPad. I hope you end up loving it as much as I love mine.

I found a new use for it. I had installed a Slinbox on my tv and used it a few hours to watch tv on the iPad but that's all. Yesterday there was a great game but I had chores to do. So I lugged the iPad around with me to keep up with the game.
The best part was doing the dishes, I had the iPad propped up on the window sill in front of the sink. Perfect setup!:D
iVan, I did the very same thing tonight (dishes while watching something on iPad)! I am already hopelessly addicted. Went to bed tonight and couldn't sleep, thinking about it, so here I am, cuddled up with my iPad! Can't imagine life before iPad and this was only my second full day with it!!!!

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