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Access denied. You don't have permission.....on this server.


iPF Noob
This is the site where I order groceries each week using my iPad Pro, and it has worked perfectly for two months, until last week. Now I get this message so am unable to use the iPad. It still works on my iPhone 11 and on my PC, but they are not as handy as the iPad.

I've tried a remedy or two found on Youtube but they didn't solve the problem, so hoped the experts here could be of some help. I have deleted and reinstalled the app with no change. I use the same app on my iPhone and it works fine. Suggestions appreciated
I’d look on the grocery site for a support link or email, and describe the problem to them. There is also (usually) a support link in the app’s description on the App Store.

The app might use Safari indirectly, in which case clear History and Website Data in Settings > Safari might help. If you do, understand that sites that usually remember your login will have to be logged into again.
I’d look on the grocery site for a support link or email, and describe the problem to them. There is also (usually) a support link in the app’s description on the App Store.

The app might use Safari indirectly, in which case clear History and Website Data in Settings > Safari might help. If you do, understand that sites that usually remember your login will have to be logged into again.
Many thanks for responding. It is Kroger and I spent well over two hours on the phone last Wed. being sent from one to another and new calls and such, and never had a phone connection good enough to understand what was being asked or said at any time, or someone who knew what I was talking about. Frustrating to say the least, and probably worse than having to type in a few addresses and pwds. I'll give that a try probably.

I did that early on, to no avail. Also deleted the history and website data without results. Just trying to sign on to the website anew presents me with errors saying that something is wrong and to try again in awhile. The url seems to be poison to my iPad Pro, but works fine on my iPhone and my PC laptop. I am going to try using MS Edge on it and maybe a different email address to get to the site. I just need to get rid of its presence on my IPad to start with somehow, In MS Windows I could do it with Regedit, but don't know how to do such in iOS. I just don't want to have whatever I do carry over to the iPhone and foul it up.
.My problem still exists even after two more fruitless hours with Kroger reps, mostly willing but without experience. Last one claimed that IT was to be involved and got my phone number and they would call. That was 27 hours ago. They suggested I uninstall the app and delete it and then go to inet and just enter their URL. Did so but still immediate NO Access........Did the same with both Kroger and citymarket names with same results. Can't even get to their website to start a fresh attempt.

As I am working with an iPad Pro and an iPhone 11 (which still works for grocery ordering) how do I make sure that any changes and deletions and such that I do on the iPad does not affect or get carried over to the iPhone? I don't want to risk screwing up something that works just fine.

AND would the 'reset' function on the iPad be of any use? Its options include All, Content and Settings, Network Settings, and Subscriber Settings. I would be trying to get rid of or remove references to kroger or citymarket that might be causing a problem. Just grasping at straws. Thanks!
Very little you do on the iPad should affect the other devices in a negative way. The exceptions are things stored in iCloud like bookmarks, book and photo collection, files, app content. However, these are not things affected by changing settings, reseting, or cleaning web data on the iPad. You have to deliberately delete this content from iCloud; like going into Safari and deleting your bookmarks.

The only other thing that will will affect other devices are automatic downloads of apps, music, or books purchased. You turn this behavior on/off in the iTunes and App Store settings.

So, yes you can do the various resets on the iPad and see what happens. I’d start with the least impactful, Reset Network Settings. This will delete all your Wi-Fi network, VPN, and other internet access settings. You’ll need to sign into those providers again, so make sure you have your current Wi-Fi and other network passwords available.

Next is Reset All Settings. This will return the iPad to default settings for the majority of system settings. It does not affect the content or settings of third party apps. It does effect the settings in some Apple apps, like Mail. You’ll end up spending some time tweaking the iPad back to the way you like it. This is surprisingly effective on weird problems you never expect it to fix, and puzzlingly ineffective on things you think would obviously be fixed. Worth a try if you’re at wits end, before you go the whole nuke-it-all route.

Reset All Content and Settings will return the iPad to out of the box condition. When complete you will go through the same process you went through to set up the iPad when new. This includes the opportunity to restore it from a backup in iCloud. Make sure you have a good backup before you do this. You can also use backup from other iPads to restore, making it a clone of your other iPad; but only if the iPad being restored is on the same or newer version of iOS/iPadOS. You can also choose to to the backup and restore using a computer using the iTunes software on the computer (or iMazing if you wan to go third party)

With this option, it is best try to restore using a backup first, and if that does not work do a clean restore and manually re-install stuff later. In the second case, iCloud content will come back as long as you use the same iCloud account. App data/files not stored on the iPad will be lost. So do a complete inventory of what you’ve got on the iPad (and only on that iPad) that you don’t want to lose. Make sure you save it somewhere else.

That last is a good idea anyway. Nothing you care about should be stored or backed up on just one device or service.
Very little you do on the iPad should affect the other devices in a negative way. The exceptions are things stored in iCloud like bookmarks, book and photo collection, files, app content. However, these are not things affected by changing settings, reseting, or cleaning web data on the iPad. You have to deliberately delete this content from iCloud; like going into Safari and deleting your bookmarks.

The only other thing that will will affect other devices are automatic downloads of apps, music, or books purchased. You turn this behavior on/off in the iTunes and App Store settings.

So, yes you can do the various resets on the iPad and see what happens. I’d start with the least impactful, Reset Network Settings. This will delete all your Wi-Fi network, VPN, and other internet access settings. You’ll need to sign into those providers again, so make sure you have your current Wi-Fi and other network passwords available.

Next is Reset All Settings. This will return the iPad to default settings for the majority of system settings. It does not affect the content or settings of third party apps. It does effect the settings in some Apple apps, like Mail. You’ll end up spending some time tweaking the iPad back to the way you like it. This is surprisingly effective on weird problems you never expect it to fix, and puzzlingly ineffective on things you think would obviously be fixed. Worth a try if you’re at wits end, before you go the whole nuke-it-all route.

Reset All Content and Settings will return the iPad to out of the box condition. When complete you will go through the same process you went through to set up the iPad when new. This includes the opportunity to restore it from a backup in iCloud. Make sure you have a good backup before you do this. You can also use backup from other iPads to restore, making it a clone of your other iPad; but only if the iPad being restored is on the same or newer version of iOS/iPadOS. You can also choose to to the backup and restore using a computer using the iTunes software on the computer (or iMazing if you wan to go third party)

With this option, it is best try to restore using a backup first, and if that does not work do a clean restore and manually re-install stuff later. In the second case, iCloud content will come back as long as you use the same iCloud account. App data/files not stored on the iPad will be lost. So do a complete inventory of what you’ve got on the iPad (and only on that iPad) that you don’t want to lose. Make sure you save it somewhere else.

That last is a good idea anyway. Nothing you care about should be stored or backed up on just one device or service.
Many thanks to you for taking the time to produce such a fine document that both verifies some of my thoughts and confirms other doubts and provides the cautions that need to be observed. Fortunately, with a good current backup I have little to lose that can't be replaced. I have continued to confound the basic help Kroger offers but after another hour today found a guy who readily contacted a "specialist" on my behalf and am promised a call from "it" tomorrow. as they had no quick answer. even though the "Access denied" notice is always accompanied by a lengthy multi-digit Reference #, Time will tell. Again, thanks for the advice!
Thanks to all that had suggestions for me. I appreciate your interest and knowledge a lot. I have given up at this point More calls and a couple of more hours with Kroger proved of little help and lots of dilly dally. Latest assured me that a specialist had been contacted by him and a ticket had been sent and I would be called for certain as it would take their help to solve the problem. Another week has passed and still no call. The site still works on my PC and ten days ago I found that it began functioning on my iPhone 11. Does not work on iPadPro, which of course is my preferred one to use. And now another problem which will be a new thread. Years of no problems then all that changed.
On the iPad, tap the Aa icon in the URL bar and choose Request Mobile Website. If that works, pass that info to Kroger. It would mean the problem is something specific to how iOS Safari handles the full website. The iPhone uses the mobile site by default. Since the iPhone now works, it may be that they fixed the issue for the mobile version of the site on iOS, but not for the non-mobile view of the site.

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