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Accessing iTunes Question

I know the frustration. I never successfully used Home Sharing until I updated to iTunes 11. Since then, it works perfectly, even after I ripped my network apart, installed a new router and a PCI-E wireless network card.

Going wireless on the PC had an unexpected benefit. The Artist list was never complete on my old network but now displays properly.

I'm using Windows 64-bit Vista, by the way, so between Twerppoet and myself, we should be able to cover most bases in our quest to sort this out.

I got it from the App Store Yesterday I have Never Had it working . I hope this is What you mean by How am I using it. I wanted to Download Season one of how to rock from iTunes But did not Have enough space on my ipad 3 to do it. so I Download how to rock on to the iTunes on my Computer. So I was Looking for a app that I Could access the iTunes that was on my Computer. So I Could Watch how to rock Season one on my ipad 3 . I was Told that the Remote app would do this.
Thank you

Um, you don't get Home Sharing from the App Store.

That's the Remote app, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Home Sharing. It's just a fancy remote control for iTunes, like a TV remote, only much bigger.

Home Sharing lets you play stuff on your iPad that is stored on your computer. It's a built in feature. No app download required, just the setup. The Video app I mentioned for playing the movie is one of the built in apps, just like Music.
Just confirmed something that I've been wondering about. Can Home Sharing and Remote be used simultaneously? The answer is yes.

I presently have music streaming to my iPhone using Home Sharing, and can also control the output of iTunes from Remote. Obviously, this is only of academic interest, unless you are capable of processing two pieces of music at the same time, but it might help in trouble shooting both functions.
I suppose you could set the computer for background ambience and play an audiobook on the iOS device. Not that I would. I don't like distractions.
Just confirmed also that videos work in the way that Twerppoet mentioned.

twerppoet said:
Um, you don't get Home Sharing from the App Store.

That's the Remote app, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Home Sharing. It's just a fancy remote control for iTunes, like a TV remote, only much bigger.

Home Sharing lets you play stuff on your iPad that is stored on your computer. It's a built in feature. No app download required, just the setup. The Video app I mentioned for playing the movie is one of the built in apps, just like Music.

Hi Twerppoet
Sorry I know your helping me and thank you for that but I just do not Understand what you are Saying. for me to Watch all the Episode that I have on my iTunes that is on my Computer I need to have remote app.
Kevin43 said:
Hi Twerppoet
Sorry I know your helping me and thank you for that but I just do not Understand what you are Saying. for me to Watch all the Episode that I have on my iTunes that is on my Computer I need to have remote app.

Still can not get it to work
Hi Twerppoet
Sorry I know your helping me and thank you for that but I just do not Understand what you are Saying. for me to Watch all the Episode that I have on my iTunes that is on my Computer I need to have remote app.

No. You do not need a remote app. You do not, do not, do not need the remote app. The person who told you that misunderstood what you wanted to do.

Home Sharing is built into OS X and iOS. All you need to do is follow the instructions I linked (for both the computer and the iPad), and meet the requirements I posted later: Computer on, iTunes running, everything on the same wi-fi network, etc.

Once you do so, you can access your Shared Libraries in the Music and Video apps that are already installed on your iPad. The Videos app shows your shared libraries on the main screen. Select the library to open the video list. To see shared libraries in Music you choose the More tab.

I'm going to switch to the iPad app now, and post pictures of what a shared library looks like under the Music and Videos apps. If you don't see them, try again in a (hopefully) short time.

Finding your shared libraries in the Music app:

Finding your shared libraries in the Videos app:

This is what it looks like in the Videos app after you've selected the library.
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Twerppoet is bang on the money, as usual. Remote is for controlling your iTunes library ON YOUR COMPUTER using your iPad as a remote control.

Home sharing is about getting your iTunes library onto your iPad without having to occupy space on it. The good news is that if you have one working, the other SHOULD also work, and they are both very useful.

So we need to figure out what is going wrong.

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