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iPF Noob
I don't know about the rest of you but I find myself visiting this site often. like more than 2 or 3 times a day. how often do you visit this site?
I enjoy stopping by to see if therenis anything new posted. maybe there is a new question being asked that I may need the question to. but it's also in some strange way, I feel like I am a part of a community and I like that. I have been on vacation for the last several days so that's probably why I spend so much time here.

but I enjoy stopping by and thank you for helping me become even more acquainted with my 32gb iPad.:)

how often do you visit this site?
just have one question Ive run outta space on my Ipad those 16gigs weren't enough...

Hi Lilsoo....... - welcome to the forum! :) You've kind of 'highjacked' the thread w/ an unrelated question and one that will likely be ignored and not receive the proper attention. First, I would suggest searching the forum - there are plenty of topics related to storage space; second, please start your own thread either in the iPad General Forum or in one of the specific model forums, such as iPad 2, depending on which device you own. Good luck and will look for your post. Dave :)
This thread will be closed and inactive since 2010. Please divert your question to a new post.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
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