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Adjustments to make with new iPad


iPF Noob
A few notes of issues I have found with moving to my new iPad that may be of help.

If you have an old iPad and you set up a new one, be aware that any changes you make on your old iPad, may be transfered to your new iPad. I loaned my old iPad to my SIL, and changed everything to a format for her needs. The apps wer no issue since they were synced from my MBP, but when I deleted all my Bookmarks, it did the same to my new iPad from 60 miles away, thru iCloud. If you have iCloud turned on, go into your iPad to Settings/iCloud and turn off bookmarks and anything else you find appropriate. It then puts the responsibility for syncing that through iTunes.

I experienced several problems with getting my old email acounts to transfer over. Make sure your password is good and be patient. It seem to me that the order of emails might make a difference. I had no luck until I got my Yahoo account running, and then I was able to get my work account up.
Thanks for the tip.

I had some funny business going on with iCloud and the photostream. At least one group of photos have "doubles" -- these were taken on my iPhone and are showing up twice in my photostream. Don't understand what is going on here.
I found this that may help you:
Note that each photostream corresponds to an Apple ID; if you change the primary iCloud (Apple ID) on your iPhone and/or iPad before de-activating photostream (and before deleting all photos on your iPhone/iPad, including the corresponding directory), the directory remains ...
This can be resolved be changing the primary iCloud Apple ID back to the prior one, activating photostream, take one picture, wait until it loads to the photostream, then de-activate photostream (all photos including the directory will be deleted), and change the primary iCloud Apple ID again.

This solved it for me .. good luck!
Getting accustomed to the new length of time for battery charging will take some time. After a while your sort of have an internal timer for these kinds of things.

My Icloud still doesn't work. It hasn't been a big enough priority to dig into why but I have 3 ipads and none of them have learned how to share.

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