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Advice very much appreciated, looking to purchase !


iPF Noob
Hello all, Im looking into the "new iPad" for my girl. I just wanted to ask if there's any college students who actually use an iPad in class to take notes? Also to open PDF files , open Microsoft excel and word ? I just want her to be able to actually use it for class and work and I know she'll use it at home. But for those of you that actually use the iPad for class or work please chime in.

Thanks !
I do, but I also have an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard so that I can type fast. It's very difficult to type quickly with the on-screen keyboard. There's tons of apps for reading .pdf files: Goodreader and Stanza are two that I use. For Word and Excel documents you can use "Documents to Go" app to view/edit/create office files. I also use 'Audio Memos' to record the lectures, so that I don't miss anything.

I hope this helps!
I have no problems typing fast using the on screen keyboard (landscape mode), yes it takes a little getting used to but once you are used to it, no prob :)

Let her try it without an external keyboard and if she is struggling then get a Bluetooth keyboard :)

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)
The Apple BT keyboard is a great piece of equipment, but I find that I hardly use mine. I'm far from being a touch typist, but I find the on-screen keyboard is good enough for most of my requirements. Sure, it could use some arrow keys to navigate around a bit easier, but the magnifying glass system works just as well. Being able to select accents and special characters with a touch and slide more than makes up for inconvenience in other departments, as does changing languages at the touch of a button.
I am a decent typist, but I cannot type well on the iPads onscreen keyboard and frankly, I can't imagine anyone with keyboarding skills doing so either.
Invest in a Logitech ultrathin Bluetooth keyboard for your girl else she might give up on using the iPad Altogether due to frustration.

Get her a microfiber tipped stylus or two (finding what she likes might take some trial and error). There are several apps for taking notes on the iPad. Notability is one. Upad is another and there are more. I cannot say which is best, but they don't cost a fortune so you can afford to own more than one.
AQ_OC said:
I am a decent typist, but I cannot type well on the iPads onscreen keyboard and frankly, I can't imagine anyone with keyboarding skills doing so either.

I type for a living and I am only slightly slower on the iPad keyboard compared to a "normal" one. I think it all depends on what you are used to. I love having a touch keyboard, really wish I could have one at work :)

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)

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