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After complete reset, iPad not seen by laptop or iTunes

I was not able to solve the problem. I ended up taking the iPad down to the Apple Store and they looked it over and said it was not fixable and offered a refurbished iPad for $299. I did not take them up on the offer.
I had the same problem with my Ipad. Plug it in to itunes and it wouldnt see it. Just see the ipad. Then it would make a noise and disconnect. As far as everything else it would be listed as N/A (In itunes) Tried everything. Changing cords, Computers, Updating, another cord, even told my ipad I would take it out for ice cream. Anyways, The charging port was bad. (Daughter Board) Replaced myself at $49.99 at badda bing. Back in action.
I even tried to restore it to factory. It would take 45 minuntes then throw the 1602 error. The new port did the trick. No error either.
I had the same problem with my Ipad. Plug it in to itunes and it wouldnt see it. Just see the ipad. Then it would make a noise and disconnect. As far as everything else it would be listed as N/A (In itunes) Tried everything. Changing cords, Computers, Updating, another cord, even told my ipad I would take it out for ice cream. Anyways, The charging port was bad. (Daughter Board) Replaced myself at $49.99 at badda bing. Back in action.

That is great information. I even found a video online that shows, in very good detail, how to replace the charging port.

My question now is, is it worth spending the money to replace that port on a 1st generation iPad? Can that iPad take the newer iOS 6 or is that iPad too obsolete? Any thoughts?
I thought it was worth the money. I'm kind of a tight wad with money. As much as I would love to buy the brand spankin new Ipad...just can't afford that piece. Ipad 1 does not support the new IOS. That's just apples way of getting you to buy the new products. You can trade your old gear in at the apple store for a low discount. lol
That's just apples way of getting you to buy the new products. You can trade your old gear in at the apple store for a low discount. lol

Welcome to the world of ever changing tech. You think Apple is the only one that does this think again. This kind of changing tech has been around for decades.

If you don't like what Apple is doing simply put don't buy anymore Apple devices simple as that.

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