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After jailbreakme.com, now what?


iPF Noob
I used jailbreakme.com to jailbreak both my iPad and iPhone. The iPad now operates with IOS 3.2.1 and I have built up a a whole library of apps, that I couldn't do without. On the iPhone, IOS 4.0 permits me to use the excellent MyWi app, to enable Internet access for the Ipad through the iPhone, acting as a router.

Now, there are reports about new versions of IOS, that may or ma not be jailbroken.

Is there a way To move the iPad from IOS 3.2.1 to a full multitasking version, while retaining all of my Apps, loaded from Cydia sources?

I can wait indefinitely, since the current setup is excellent, but I would like plan my upgrade to newer IOS versions, without losing what I have.

Advice would be appreciated.
This is my scenario exactly, the jailbreakme was so easy that it was a now brainer to do it. I would like to see detail steps as of how to update my iPhone and iPad while being able to use MyWi on my iPhone, etc..
Never mind! I got it.:o

"Unfortunately, iOS device owners won't find jailbreaking as easy as navigating to a website. And the 4.2.1 jailbreak is currently "tethered" so owners of the iPhone 4, iPad, and newer iPhone 3GS and iPod touch models will have to reattach to a PC or Mac to boot into a jailbroken state each time your device loses power or needs a reboot. Those of you who rely on the ultrasn0w unlock should hold off for now --"
Basically, don't update yet, it's not worth the hassle. My advice is to download backgrounder from cydia, a TRUE MULTITASKING app, the native multitasking in ios 4.x.x is not true multitasking to the extent I use an app that disables native multitasking.
Backgrounder will work on 3.x.x

Thanks for this. I have been using Backgrounder for months now - a great app.

I also use a jb'd iPhone 3G to provide router access, when necessary.

My satellite Internet connection is a bit unreliable, during snowstorms and ice storms, so I then use myWi to get on the net through my cell telephone account. It works just great.

As far as I am concerned My Ipad, jb'd on 3.2.1, does all that I could ever hope for, and then some.

I will be very reluctant to move away from this, since I am more and more committed to Cydia-provided apps.

I guess what I really want is Flash!
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I jailbroke my iPad using redsn0w and haven't been bothered too much by it being tethered.

The biggest PITA was getting it setup right initially. By the time I had SBSettings, SSH, backgrounder, Infinifolders, etc. loaded I think I had to do 4 or so reboots.

But since then about the only thing I have needed to do was respring after installing or updating the occasional cydia app. If I was away from a PC I would not install or update anything in cydia. I just rebooted now just to clean out memory but in normal use I rarely reboot my iPads. So far so good.

What I will NOT do is do this jailbreak on my iPhone 4. Being my phone I can't take the chance of losing that when away from a PC. And I need it jailbroken for MyWi... so still on 4.1 on iPhone.

Couple of latest jailbreak apps: NoMute brings the rotation lock back the way it was in 3.2.x and AllPlay or AirVideoEnabler where turns on video airplay for most any video app that uses the built-in video player, including Safari.

Well here I am with IOS 4.3.3 on my iPad 1, courtesy of the recent release through jailbreakme.com. It has been a long wait, but worth it.

I like it a lot compared with IOS 3.2.1 - seems faster, with good folder management and the multitasking feature is great.

Unfortunately when I was syncing my files, I created many duplicate photos in the Photos app. I can't get rid of them. I think if I knew the IOS file structure, I could fix this using ifile.

Can anyone help me on how to use ifile to delete the duplicate records, from the iPad? I don't want to sync via iTunes and my USB - I don't trust ITunes to permit me to recover my jb status.

Help would be appreciated.

Mopepom said:
Well here I am with IOS 4.3.3 on my iPad 1, courtesy of the recent release through jailbreakme.com. It has been a long wait, but worth it.

I like it a lot compared with IOS 3.2.1 - seems faster, with good folder management and the multitasking feature is great.

Unfortunately when I was syncing my files, I created many duplicate photos in the Photos app. I can't get rid of them. I think if I knew the IOS file structure, I could fix this using ifile.

Can anyone help me on how to use ifile to delete the duplicate records, from the iPad? I don't want to sync via iTunes and my USB - I don't trust ITunes to permit me to recover my jb status.

Help would be appreciated.


You really need to remove the duplicates from your PC, not iPad. Otherwise they are all coming back at the next sync. Also, you shouldn't just go deleting stuff using iFile. It's rarely as simple as finding a file and deleting it where the iOS is concerned... there are often databases to be updated.
That's my advice, FWIW.

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