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After what I saw yesterday I'm so glad I have a Otterbox case for my ipad 2


iPF Noob
11/29/2011 at 6:15p.m. EST.... get off the train at the station in my home town with several other commuters and as I'm walking toward the platform stairs to head to my car I see this guy completely destroy his ipad. He had a briefcase under one arm and a bluetooth headphone in his ear and was chatting away and trying to use his ipad and walk all at the same time when the briefcase started to slip from under his arm. Instead of letting the case fall he tried to grab for it with the same hand he was holding his completely unprotected ipad and then the juggling performance started. The case started to fall the ipad started to fall , he did the right thing he tried to save the ipad, ended up flipping it up in the air and it came down, screen down, flat on the concrete platform.
He obviously let loose with a whole bunch of swear words I won't repeat here. I picked up his briefcase for him and handed it to him and asked if he had insurance for it and he said to me "insurance for what ?" I said nevermind and walked away.
RandyM said:
11/29/2011 at 6:15p.m. EST.... get off the train at the station in my home town with several other commuters and as I'm walking toward the platform stairs to head to my car I see this guy completely destroy his ipad. He had a briefcase under one arm and a bluetooth headphone in his ear and was chatting away and trying to use his ipad and walk all at the same time when the briefcase started to slip from under his arm. Instead of letting the case fall he tried to grab for it with the same hand he was holding his completely unprotected ipad and then the juggling performance started. The case started to fall the ipad started to fall , he did the right thing he tried to save the ipad, ended up flipping it up in the air and it came down, screen down, flat on the concrete platform.
He obviously let loose with a whole bunch of swear words I won't repeat here. I picked up his briefcase for him and handed it to him and asked if he had insurance for it and he said to me "insurance for what ?" I said nevermind and walked away.

WOW!! Mine is always tucked away in my purse when not in use in public. Never taken out on public transportation; it doesn't work on the subway anyway and I use my iPod for music. Maybe I took Metro North or LIRR to get to work.

I can't afford to replace it. ;)

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 IOS 5.0.1 Update using iPF
I know a guy who dropped an OtterBox encased iPhone 25 ft. onto concrete, and it was fine. Pretty great stuff, if you can stand to make your device so chunky looking!
Perhaps it is but it enforces an idea. The failures of others often give us pause and we remember what can happen. Nothing teaches like costly experiences.

I find this applies only when they're doing things I'd consider doing. If not, they're just cause for head shaking, or maybe YouTube videos, lol.

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