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How I let go of my iPad 2 but got it back again!!!


iPF Noob
I'm slightly embaressed to say that 2 days ago I traded my iPad 2 for a New Xoom tablet thinking I would really like the added features, flash is coming etc but quickly realized that I'm an iOS girl not an Android one. I posted at your sister site the Xoom forums where they were very nice to me when I panicked a bit. I decided to take a chance and call the fella from Craigslist who I traded with. I was extremely surprised when he said right away he would swap back my iPad 2 to me!!! I wasnt about to ask questions. He was very kind when he came, we swapped like nothing had happened and I gave him money for his gas and time.

Not sure exactly why I traded my beautiful iPad 2 to begin with but an angel is on my shoulder! I think the craigslist person is an android guy. Anyway I am back with my iPad 2 and not letting go until next year when the newer one comes out!
Whew narrow escape!
Very decent of the guy to swap it back.
Lets hope he can quickly sell it and buy a new iPad2 :)
That's an interesting story, I'm glad you were able to swap back. The Xoom is a nice device. I had it for a few days and, enjoyed it despite some issues. I was really excited about getting it and, was looking for every bit of news before it was released.

When I got it, it was nice but, still not as smooth as my original Ipad. I would have kept it and, waited for the updates but, the Ipad 2 was announced and I couldn't help myself. I knew about the announcement but, wasn't expecting it to be available so soon.

I really just wanted more storage and, thought I'd try out the Xoom.
If I didn't have the 16GB Ipad and one of the larger capacity ones, I'd still have my Ipad 1 and, wouldn't have got either the Xoom or the Ipad 2 right now.
I think the Xoom has a chance at being a good tablet. It's just not ready for the general public. Give it six months for all the updates/fixes and some more apps. Just saw an Android Central review that pretty much admits the Xoom is still mostly a developer's device.

That said, I wouldn't trade even my iPad 1 for it, fixed or not. If I could afford both, I would, because I like toys. As long as 'there can be only one,' it's iPad.
Glad u came back from the dark side, young sky walker..lol
As u have personally seen, the grass is not always greener on the other side!
To be honest I'm no Apple aficionado and I've held off from buying an iPad for a year, but the more I read about the android devices the more frustrating the wait for a decent one became. The second generation ones, if that's what you could call them still don't seem to have things sorted as well as the iPad, most if not all PC centric mags rate the iPad as the best tablet and mobile OS on the Market.

I wanted a mobile device I could surf the net and read books on without having to squint at a tiny screen or try to read black on grey text (my eyesight isn't the greatest) which page updates in minutes rather than seconds like my Sony ebook reader. If a choice was available then an android device may have been my purchase but there was no choice, it had to be an iPad, it has annoyances like no built in printer driver, I have a USB printer connected to my router and can't use it easily if at all. But at the moment there still isn't an iPad beater out there from what I can determine.
Gazzaho said:
To be honest I'm no Apple aficionado and I've held off from buying an iPad for a year, but the more I read about the android devices the more frustrating the wait for a decent one became. The second generation ones, if that's what you could call them still don't seem to have things sorted as well as the iPad, most if not all PC centric mags rate the iPad as the best tablet and mobile OS on the Market.

I wanted a mobile device I could surf the net and read books on without having to squint at a tiny screen or try to read black on grey text (my eyesight isn't the greatest) which page updates in minutes rather than seconds like my Sony ebook reader. If a choice was available then an android device may have been my purchase but there was no choice, it had to be an iPad, it has annoyances like no built in printer driver, I have a USB printer connected to my router and can't use it easily if at all. But at the moment there still isn't an iPad beater out there from what I can determine.

And there wont be for a long time.

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