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Airplay Seems a Little Short

Based on the info on the Apple site, it seems you can't stream your iTunes library to your iPad while on the same network through Airplay? You can stream from iTunes to speakers, and iPad to speakers, but not to each other. Based on all of the videos of the 4.2 beta, it appears this feature definitely isn't there.

I feel like this could be pretty useful for smaller iPad models. It would be nice being able to stream my library from my couch without having to store the music on the hard drive.

I use an app called Remote to access my iTunes library. It's a nice tool and free at the moment. It's the iPad app of the week in the iTunes app store.
agree. Remote 2.0 is leaps and bounds better than 1.0, but I'm talking more about streaming actual content. Remote lets you control your iTunes library and play it through your computer. It doesn't let you stream your library to your iPad (I can't plug headphones in and listen to my library on my iPad unless I transfer songs to it.) Airplay should have a feature to stream straight to my iPad... treat it like an airport express or apple TV in terms of streaming

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