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Airport City - Friends request

I was just thinking about gift giving and had a couple thoughts. What do you all think?

Things we know:
- It’s a bit hard to exactly remember who & what you’ve gifted to others without lots of time spent documenting it.
- Looking at your Incoming gifts list lets you see who’s given you what which helps return the favor.
- Many of us have more neighbors than we can give gifts in one day or even every two days
- Neighbors are valuable for not only gifts but also to find things in their city
- Our signatures are very helpful to quickly find who has what and who need what.
- A consolidated Needs List updated every so often is helpful when for our gift giving when you don’t have a lot of time to spend seeing who needs what.

Some ideas or suggestions for optimal gift giving & receiving:
- Be patient with giving & receiving. Sometimes it takes a couple days.
- Give gifts appropriate to the level of your neighbor. For example, do not give flight school gifts to higher level players who already have a flight school or hotel, etc.
- Needs change quickly, so scan the requests if you can before you give items, if possible.
- Since you cannot exchange extra items, don’t take items you know you won’t need. This might save a gift for you or someone else.
- “Send in return” doesn’t always mean that person will get what you sent back.
- Passengers, fuel, flight need items and higher level items are usually good general gifts if you are unsure of needs.
- Take a look at your neighbor’s city first, if you can. A red arrow is a good sign that the person needs one or more of those items.
- Give in advance – Anticipate what your neighbor might need soon.
Hi everyone, please could you add me, username is Mini

I need the following: staplers, calculators, whiteboards, insulation rolls, textbooks and wide-angled binoculars.

I go on most days and will try to send sensible stuff back to you.

Hi it's Torque. I've not posted again for a while. I must admit its hard to keep up with requests so I tend to gift the higher level items I'm able to. There is a fantastic community spirit within this thread with only helpful comments from neighbours.

If I could be selfish for a moment, this is what I currently need for various buildings:

2x Weather Display
2x Stamp
2x Server Rack
1x Shredder
4x All Inclusive Bracelet

I won't even mention the shampoo (Doh!) I don't know what it is about Airport City, it's so mindless and I know full well that the publisher is trying to wring as much money out of us as possible, but I just can't leave it alone. I've got to keep upgrading, expanding, sending flights out to exotic places, collecting coins and xp. Please feed my addiction by gifting ;-)

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Lilly2 - Thank you for your advice on Ergonimic Chairs. Yes, I am finding that starting my quests for Towers and Terminals as soon as I can, so that I can be patient to get the items, really helps.

I am standing, however, in protest to upgrading my fuel station as I have yet to see the advantage and when I do, I get cut off from paying my 10 coins to get some spare fuel
Hi guys

Currently in need of the following

2 x lining plates
2 x laser cutters
4 x transmitters for repair base (the ones from Rio)

Let me know what you need in return and I'll do what I can as always


EDIT: spareribs thanks for lining plate. Just got some goodies from the Sydney flight so 1 more laser cutter required
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Hi all,

Anyone know why scooters aren't dropping from my prop and turboprops anymore. All other guest planes randomly drop stuff. Think it might be because I don't land them on a level 1 runway anymore? I only need a scooter for another mystery set collection! Ugh!
I am standing, however, in protest to upgrading my fuel station as I have yet to see the advantage and when I do, I get cut off from paying my 10 coins to get some spare fuel
You keep the option of getting 3 units for 10 coins. Added is 10 units for 80 coins and this comes in handy when you're checking once every hour.
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Hi all!

Updates for 9-14: (please keep updating today if you can) :o
adam d - dispatcher console, helmet, goggles, guest book...
crewman - anything purple!, laser cutters
dano2010gs - lining plate, hull parts, and laser cutter
Egelze – radar, guestbook
HVWH - landing lamp, radio transmitter, helmet, goggles, textbook,slide rule, helmet.
Ircro - weather display, cash counter , or jet engine, tire, fuel supply or fuel
Jim - fuel additive, or higher level stuff
Lilly2 - defroster x3, spare wire, flight catering, tire, archive box
MadSimmy - amperemeter, lining plate, hull parts, laser cutters
marsm - defrosters!, archive box, ergo chair
Mini – staplers, calculator, whiteboard, insulation, binocs, textbook
MsKim - 2 archive boxes, 1 DND, flight catering
richard agung - fuel supply
rickcc - 4 DND Sign, 1 towel,3 AI Bracelet, Fuel Supply, Fuel Additives
Sarah2 - fuel supply, passengers ...
shorty airways - cash counter, spare wire, shredder, stamp, or server rack
Si Col – lining plates, laser cutter x1, transmitters (Rio orange ones)
skyjacker - ergo chairs, defroster, flight catering, fuel add.,
spareribs - Fuel Supply for San Fran, and additional fuel appreciated
Starsky - Spare wire, Fuel additive, Additional Radar, Landing Light
StPats0203uk - control unit, steel frame, textbook, flight googles, slide rules, radio transmitter
Torque – weather display, server rack, shredder, bracelet
whanna - insulation, level 4 bldg stuff, i.e. shredders, servers, amperemeter
Name - Crewman

Sending - I have taken a new direction. I am now sending my top 3 level items to people. I figure, based on history, we will all need those at some point. I will also keep my eye on the forum to send gifts as requested.

Need- I am good on the Purple items. Now I need higher level items. Just grab from the top of your list. I will post anything special I need.

Thank you for the advice on the fuel station. I did not realize I could do 2 at once.

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