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Airport City - Friends request

Yay just completed my hotel at last. Had to buy the shampoo though. Thanks everyone for the gifts and maintaining the lists.

I (Torque) just need 1 weather display now for the control tower and 1 shredder, 2 stamps for the terminal. I keep sending flights to Rome but never seem to get anything other than fuel additives!

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Updated my signature.
I have enough amperemeters and smoke detectors, thank you all for sending them.
Now I need the following:
- 1 shredder, 1 ergonomic chair
- if you can not send parts above then 1 laser cutter, 1 hull parts and 1 lining plate will be usefull
- if you can not send any of above, additional radar would be first choice, then fuel supply, then landing lamp.

I can send: - all-inclusive bracelet, fuel 3 units, air conditioner, cockpit glass, welder, landing lamp, projector, passengers 10, powerfull radio transmitter, textbook, fuel supply, jet engine, whiteboard, fuel additives, drill machine, additional radar, smoke detector, spare wire, server rack, landing gear. I need 1 shredder, 1 ergonomic chair, 1 laser cutter, 1 hull parts, 1 lining plate.
dano2010gs said:
I have received everything I needed for repair base. Thanks to all who sent items. Will soon be upgrading to tower level 4 and terminal level 5. Not sure what I will need then.

So I found out I need 1 amperemeter and 1 ergonomic chair for my control tower upgrade.


Dano... See page 14 on the iPad ( not sure what it is on PC) Where there is a list of items needed for level 3,4 and 5 buildings. There also was a nice file posted that had all of the items needed and for what buildings but that was around page 20 or so.

Rickcc - thanks! Heading out to dinner. Will update things later this evening.
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adam d - dispatcher console, helmet, goggles, guest book...
crewman - higher level items
dano2010gs – amperemeter, ergo chair, lvl 4 tower, lvl 5 terminal
Egelze – radar, guestbook
HVWH - Steel frame,insulation,whiteboard,Powerful radio transmitter, Towel
Ircro - shredder, ergonomic chair, laser cutter, hull parts, lining plt, addn’l radar
Jimghjj - fuel supply for San Fransisco
Lilly2 - defroster x3, spare wire, flight catering, tire, archive box
MadSimmy - amperemeter, lining plate, hull parts, laser cutters
marsm – flight catering
Mini – staplers, calculator, whiteboard, insulation, binocs, textbook
MsKimbowee – flight catering, insulation, transmitters, fuel, addn’l radar, spare wire
richard agung - fuel supply, ergo chair, archive box
rickcc – 1DND sign, Fuel additives, addn’l radar, archive boxes, amperemeters, laser cutters, hull pts
Sarah2 - fuel supply, passengers ...
shorty airways - Archive Box, hotel items, Fuel Supply and Fuel Additives
Si Col – lining plates, laser cutter x1, transmitters (Rio orange ones)
skyjacker - archive boxes, flight catering, fuel additives, additional radar, spare wire, beacon etc
Sleddog – powerful radio transmitter
spareribs - Regular Fuel Units, and passengers appreciated
Starsky - Spare wire, Fuel additive, Additional Radar, Landing Light
StPats0203uk - stapler, calculator, whiteboard
Torque – weather display,
whanna –stamps, smoke detectors, ergo chairs, fuel supply, osc beacon, flight catering
Yanpi City – level 4 bldg items, weather display

Kazrobo, Andrewa, nicolasflightpos, - you all seem to have joined recently. Please list what you have to give as gifts and mention your key needs and we’ll add you to the list.
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Lilly2 - thank you for the constant postings. Can you update me from things purple and laser cutter to simply Higher Level items (at least for now)

Thank you.
So, how do I rotate gifts?

First 5. - oldest in my list and send level appropriate gifts.
Next 10 - my favorites. These are the people who loyalty trade with me nearly daily.
Last 5 - misc. people who gave me the best high level gifts.

It is now an exact science, but it does insure anyone who gifts me gets something in return. It may take a few days, but it do give back for what I receive.


3 Stars on all Turboprop levels. Whew.

Now on to do the same on the Jet levels. I wonder how long that will take. Next up, sell a turbo prop, keep one and work my way up to 4 jets.


Good luck pilots
crewman said:
So, how do I rotate gifts?

First 5. - oldest in my list and send level appropriate gifts.
Next 10 - my favorites. These are the people who loyalty trade with me nearly daily.
Last 5 - misc. people who gave me the best high level gifts.

It is now an exact science, but it does insure anyone who gifts me gets something in return. It may take a few days, but it do give back for what I receive.


Crewman, That sounds like a pretty good method. A bit easier to mange than writing everyone down and so on....
Just went through a few pages of the forum and realize there are plenty of folks who made recent (in the last 2 weeks) friends requests but i don't have you on the longer list yet. ...Sooooo, we can add you if we know what you need. (and what you can give)...

Starsky - can you send a defroster my way, pretty please!
Shorty - I'd love a smoke detector! :o
Returned gifts in the order that I received them and for the rest used Lilly's list.
Some strange things though: I have one friend with no name (level 16) and I can't add Whanna because it says I already did so.

@Lilly2: please update my needs: HVWH: steel frame, insulation, power source, weather display, whiteboard, wide angle binoculars, powerful radio transmitter, towel, shampoo

Dano... See page 14 on the iPad ( not sure what it is on PC) Where there is a list of items needed for level 3,4 and 5 buildings. There also was a nice file posted that had all of the items needed and for what buildings but that was around page 20 or so.
For all who missed it:


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Morning guys and gals. This is me just getting round to dishing last nights gifts out. Ive looked back about 5/6 pages and this is what i can gather you need.

Spareribs = Passengers(10),
HVWH = Drill Machine,
SkyJacker = Beacon,
Crewman = High Level Part e.g. Fuel Hose,
Lilly2 + Whanna = Beacon,
Shorty + Rickcc = Archive Box,
Jim = Fuel for San Fran,
StPat = Level 3 or 4, e.g Hull Parts for level 4 repair base,
Kimbowee + Marsm = Flight catering meals,
Torque + Ircro = Shredder,
Sarah2 = Bracelet,
Halfpint = Fuel for San Fran,
Sleddog = Powerful Transmitter for Malta.

GTW = I send in return of your gift.
Hawke = Same. (Though ive read here if ive not got what you sent me, you get something random back, so sorry GTW i dont have a city model).

Hope these gifts help you, Ive updated my signature. Thanks for all the gifts yous guys and gals have been sending me. :)
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Wow many thanks to MadSimmy for the shredder, I now only need 2 stamps to complete my terminal! Still looking for a weather display from you kind folks.

I know this is probably a basic question but why can't I gift shredders, stamps, bracelets, etc. all of my outgoing gifts seem a bit naff like a stapler, power source, spare wire, landing gear...

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Spareribs = Passengers(10),
HVWH = Drill Machine,
SkyJacker = Beacon,
Crewman = High Level Part e.g. Fuel Hose,
Lilly2 + Whanna = Beacon,
Shorty + Rickcc = Archive Box,
Jim = Reinforced frame x6,Triple Wire x5,Transmitter x4 for level 3 fuel station.If none of these fuel for San Fransico
StPat = Level 3 or 4, e.g Hull Parts for level 4 repair base,
Kimbowee + Marsm = Flight catering meals,
Torque + Ircro = Shredder,
Sarah2 = Bracelet,
Halfpint = Fuel for San Fran,
Sleddog = Powerful Transmitter for Malta.
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TorqueSP said:
I know this is probably a basic question but why can't I gift shredders, stamps, bracelets, etc. all of my outgoing gifts seem a bit naff like a stapler, power source, spare wire, landing gear...

Torque - seems each of us has anew unique items that not everyone else has and we all have some of the basics (I.e. power source, landing gear, passengers, etc). You have a stapler. We all needed that at one time. I bet if you look at your list of outgoing items you have a few other things that are unique and needed.

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