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Airport City - Friends request

Hi all,
Since I'm a newby I have two questions: if I try to add some of you It says that the names or codes are not known....is there a difference between iphone and ipad?
Besides that, with incoming flights I get a NULL, what is that and what can you do with it?
Ericcie said:
I'm also really glad to found this forum. Started to play this game a couple of days ago and i'm totally hooked ;-)
I need good neighbours to move forward, like we al do :)
So please add me: Ericcie
I'm only at level 12 but if I can help you with anything please let me know. The thing I need the most now is a videoscreen, flight helmet and glasses

Do u still need flight helmet?

No-one knows what null is but we all seem to get it!!!!

captain flop
Hey, guys. I am 'Kuni'. Been playing Airport City HD for almost two months. I am Level 30 now.
Having four stadiums so far.
Come visit me, and be my neighbors.

Username 'Kuni'

I can give you:
Goal Posts, A/C, Copy Machines, DND signs, Flight Goggles, Power Source, Shredder, Laser Cutter
Packaging Machine, Archive Box, Gyroscope, Deicer

Hi. Sent you friend request sophiemay I could use some goal posts. What do you need?
monkey5507 :
I guess you need to use cash dollar to get Shampoo.

sophiemae :
Thanks for your request. Since I've already completed items from the stadium, items needed to build catering facilities are appreciated.
i.e. Cooling Chamber, Packaging Machine, Defroster

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Hey, guys. I am 'Daichan'. Been playing Airport City HD for almost several weeks. I am Level 18 now.
Having no stadiums so far.
Come visit me, and be my neighbors.

Username 'Daichan'

I can give you:
Textbook, Fuel Additives, Drill Machine, Shredder, Spare Wire, White Board, Goal Post, A/C, Projector
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Ericcie said:
Yes, I still need a flight helmet. Then I can start the flying school. Do you need anything?

I sent u friend request whIch u need to accept then I can sent it.

Just send me passengers or fuel for now, I need wide angle binoculars but I doubt you'll be able to gift them yet.


captain flop
Captain flop - did you get the binoculors I sent last night? If so I will send another pair tonight when my day resets.

Jdm0101 said:
Captain flop - did you get the binoculors I sent last night? If so I will send another pair tonight when my day resets.


I did thx, just one more pair needed now so that would be gr8. What do you need back?

captain flop
monkey5507 :
I guess you need to use cash dollar to get Shampoo.

sophiemae :
Thanks for your request. Since I've already completed items from the stadium, items needed to build catering facilities are appreciated.
i.e. Cooling Chamber, Packaging Machine, Defroster


Your user name is missing On my list of friends. What level r you?

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