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Airport City Game Problems

jal pilot said:
no idea. but have the same issue on 2 devices: ipad and iphone. will email support.

It keeps saying I have a flight going on. I believe we are stuck with it. I tried to buy the hanger to try reselling everything but didn't work
dthomp1473 said:
It keeps saying I have a flight going on. I believe we are stuck with it. I tried to buy the hanger to try reselling everything but didn't work

After the last update, I could sell it

jal pilot ; level 28; need: 3 sandbags, thks!
Palmbox I also am having the same problem adding you. I believe I may have entered you earlier but I hit the reset button. This is why I believe I cannot request you. Could you send a request to me Dthomp I also have the majority buildings if anyone else wish's to add me. I also agree about quest flights. I have worn my planes out flying to Cape Canerval. Also I have one quest to fly to Barcelona. I can't find the flight??
Hi there

I have built the airship dock. Duke crooker's airship came once, and then there was the time countdown on the left of the came. Time elapsed, but nothings happening now. any idea if thats normal?

jal pilot ; level 29. need flight items? duty free items; whatever useful for you, and I'll return it
Is anyone else having problems adding and visiting neighbors? I can't do either one. Also I am getting notifications that I am receiving gifts, but I am not able to find them once I am in the game. Ughhhhh what is going on?????
Can anyone tell me why, when I join other players space launches I can't see them ? When other players join my launches I can see them and they are rewarded with 3,000 coins and a silver box on completion of launch. However when I join other people's launches the time remaining is the same time as there's but there not visible and I have to add the full 1600 to launch. Can anyone help, does this happen to anyone else?

Lukehakesley level 40 stars 137
Hi there

I have built the airship dock. Duke crooker's airship came once, and then there was the time countdown on the left of the came. Time elapsed, but nothings happening now. any idea if thats normal?

jal pilot ; level 29. need flight items? duty free items; whatever useful for you, and I'll return it

The problem has occured with me too. Time limit was 3 days. Disappeared within 12 hours. I did not complete the building. the collection of sandbag and rope blocks were left.
To all Airport City Game Players,

On behalf of the Administrators and IPF Moderator staff we are pleased to announce that an Airport City Game Forum has been created.

Please refer to the link: Airport City Forum

We hope that by creating the Airport City Forum, players will be able to find all the necessary threads related to this game in a timely and easy manner.

IPF Administrators and Moderator Staff.
I've got a mission now where I need to fly to Tunguska and that requires the Air Magnometer and Purple Orb. I started this game well after the mission about "They came from Outer Space" where these items would drop regularly. So now it looks like the only way to get those would be to pay 10 Greens for the Mystery Pack or Pay the 8 Greens to skip the mission. This seems to be an oversight since all other missions allow me to complete them w/o paying greens (all be it very slowly in some cases).

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