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Airport City Launch Requests

Blue pad launch started on 69, more than half way there. Lots of time to go, all welcome. please send beacons or spare props to both Troglodyte69 (iPad) & Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks

Thanks to Nutty and Red Dog for the help, was a good start to the day when I found it ready to launch.

please send beacons or spare props to both Troglodyte69 (iPad) & Troglodyte96 (Blocked-iPhone) thanks
Pad 2 launch running feel free to take first place ....

For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy
Pad 2 launch running feel free to take first place .... For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy
Thanks for the offer Fred, this launch seems to be the only thing working as it should on my game. Nearly there.
Thanks for the offer Fred, this launch seems to be the only thing working as it should on my game. Nearly there.

Thanks nutty started another one on pad 2 but no way can i finish it only join if you have loads of points and want a firstbi have about 200 so 1800 required....

For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy
Thanks nutty started another one on pad 2 but no way can i finish it only join if you have loads of points and want a firstbi have about 200 so 1800 required....

For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy

Thanks again nutty, ltcol rehab and unasty that was cheep see you in 24 hrs

For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy
Thanks again nutty, ltcol rehab and unasty that was cheep see you in 24 hrs For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy
Cheers Fred,
As you said, the rocket launches seem to be the only thing working. That will be my last attempt until we get the game in some kind of playable mode because I can't get any more launch goods until I can visit neighbours etc.
My game seems even worse today. I can send planes on missions but when I close the game it's not saving so the next time I open it, the state is back to where I was previously. I when I collect passengers from buildings, the game crashes. I've given up trying for now. It's so frustrating.
Pad 2 launch running take what ever place you want if you have the points

For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy
Pad 2 launch running take what ever place you want if you have the points For AC send me what you need ,tribez code =f517jes,facebook=fred gutty,big business=fred123thy

Can anyone help Fred and I. We've 7 hours to go and 800 still needed.

Long distance items please. My sons Airport is called "Rigby's city" He can't gift anymore as he's been unfairly penalised.

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