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Airport City Launch Requests

Is bern still with us or did someone give him too much wine?

captain flop (level 40) duty free, passengers, anything really happy to return what's sent, it all helps. Thank you, I love u all ;)
Fred, I really have to go. Will chuck in the 24 to be on safe side. Please can I leave ending with u?

captain flop (level 40) duty free, passengers, anything really happy to return what's sent, it all helps. Thank you, I love u all ;)
Fred, I really have to go. Will chuck in the 24 to be on safe side. Please can I leave ending with u?

captain flop (level 40) duty free, passengers, anything really happy to return what's sent, it all helps. Thank you, I love u all ;)

Yes fine

I need nothing so send me what you need and it will be returned
Ok those at 150 can you upto 174 or less everyone else stay below 170 but add anything you can upto that until we launch thanks , any one who needs a bet place move above me please

I need nothing so send me what you need and it will be returned
Thanks everyone for joining tonight, its been fun. Sorry have to leave early but eyes are struggling to focus am soooo tired zzzzzz

captain flop (level 40) duty free, passengers, anything really happy to return what's sent, it all helps. Thank you, I love u all ;)

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