iPF Novice
It all looks really small when you go straight from the iPad to the iPhone, but I thought you would have had lots of practice with Rigby's game.
please send magnometers or plasma to both Troglodyte69 (iPad) & Troglodyte96 (iPhone), it's fun seeing what arrives & fuel is always handy..
It does your right. Rigby's playing on an ipad to. This is the first time I've tried on a phone.
I think i'm going to have to get a touch pen as I've no finger nails and its very intricate.
Lukehakesley level 40. Need Propellers. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs 3 server racks, 4 video walls, 2 smoke detectors,2 Ergonomic chairs,1 video board,1 robotic lawnmower & 3 goal posts.