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Airprint firmware update for HP M1217nfw MFP?


iPF Noob
I just got an HP Laserjet M1217nfw MFP printer which was on the list of HP printers that allow printing from the ipad 2.

It's taken me 4 hours to finally get it to print wirelessly over my laptop because their HP disk wiped out my router settings somehow.

I re-installed the router from the setup disk and finally was able to connect to the Internet again.

HP instructions and website are awful. I hung up twice on the tech support desk because they can't talk English!

It took me hours to finally get the updated driver finally working.

Can anyone tell me how to update the firmware on this printer? I downloaded the update but have no clue how to install it to the printer if that's where it goes.

I thought when I searched around that in order for the Ipad 2 to use Airprint it had to be running the latest firmware on the HP printer.
My version on the ipad 2 is: 4.3.5 (8L1).

I can see why HP wants to dump their hardware . . . they should!

Cool! :) Would you mind posting where and what you found, in case someone else happens to find your thread in a search?
Cool! :) Would you mind posting where and what you found, in case someone else happens to find your thread in a search?

Sure I can describe how I found it. The problem is that HP's documentation is awful. But I knew I needed to update the firmware before I bought the printer from reading threads here. Finding out how to do that was another issue.

Trying to search their user disk is a pain too.

The ability for HP printers to use Airprint has been around for a while now. All they had to do was put in a sheet with the other useless info they throw into the box. A simple sheet that gives you instructions of where to go to down load the firmware and how to update it after one saves the file to a laptop.

It took me 2 hours (no one responded to my post) and I did not see there was another thread just for "Ipad help" and a sub category for Airprint. I was just bounced all around trying to find it and to try and understand HP's tech support which was useless as they don't talk English very well. The two I spoke with did not have a clue when I asked them what I need to do to get my new HP printer to print through Airprint using my ipad 2.

I finally found a link in HP's documentation as to how to upgrade the printers firmware:

You can save the update to your computers desk top, but in order to upgrade the printer's firmware you also need to connect the usb cable first.
Here is the link I finally found:
Directions for "Download" option HP LaserJet Pro M1217nfw Multifunction Printer - HP Customer Care (United States - English)=

Once the firmware was updated then the ipad recognized the printer instantly.

I didn't post back of my findings because no one responded. But true, I should have posted it in the Airprint discussion. Or one would have thought a mod would have moved it to the Airprint section. Seems they are pretty fast on the trigger finger to close threads though :D Just my opinion :p

BTW on the Airprint list is an HP Laserjet M1217nfw MFP (multi function) I searched out reviews and went with this model. This one is nice and small, wireless, scans, copies, 35 page auto sheet feeder and fax and is Airprint ready (after the firmware update of course). Great price for $219. I got mine from HP's website with their $50 off coupon. Big deal, Amazon sells it for $219 without the coupon and I just saw it in a Staples store yesterday for $219. I could have just bought it at Staples and walked out the door with one instead of waiting a week for HP to ship it for free.

HP brand toner 85A (1600 page capacity) can be found on the web for $57. You will need one too because most printers only come with a starter cartridge.

I needed a new printer anyway, so this one is Airprint ready and had good user reviews on Amazon and is really a great price for a solidly built device. Two thumbs up!

P.S. the Airprint discussion forum should really have a sticky at the top of the forum showing how to update the HP's firmware especially since only certain HP printers work with the ipad out of the box.

Also, print out the list of Airprint enabled HP printers before you go shopping as not all the models had stickers saying they are Airprint ready in the Staples store. My model had no sticker, but it's on the list.
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Thank you for the description of your trials, advise, and link.

I've saved the link off, on the off chance that they will eventually have a firmware update for my printer that will enable AirPrint. It's one model number suffix off of the AirPrint version. I bought it before I knew AirPrint would be available, but it was on sale so I can't complain too much. :)

As for the members and moderators, please remember we're all human. In most cases (including mine) we hesitate to offer comments when we don't know the answer. I was waiting for someone who knew.

In this case you became the expert.

Moderators work for free, and are often overwhelmed by the number of threads that end up in the wrong area. Some subjects have been over discussed and objects of heated (even rude) comments, often resulting of people breaking forum rules and getting banned. Predictably moderators are weary of these subjects and will stomp on them at the least provocation. Besides, a Google on these controversial subjects can vet you months of reading material, if you don't' mind repetitious vitriol mixed in with the few real facts.

Again, thank you for the response. Stick around and I think you'll find your thread was the exception, not the rule. Besides, we can always use more people who can find an answer and explain it as well as you have.
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Thanks for your nice words! I never really expected much of a response when I asked the HP firmware update question here because its an iPad forum not an HP printer forum :)

I was desperate after Googling, contacting HP support etc. My last resort was going to be the Apple support but I hate spending an hour on the phone with the first level support people while they are learning on my time!

Great forum though. I've never been an Apple fan because their stuff was always over priced, but through searching the threads I've learned a lot on negotiating my way around the OS.

What I'm most impressed with is the build quality of Apple products and I'm also impressed with the instant on feature of the iPad. Amazes me too that it does not need any antivirus software. I've watched my HP laptop running Vista go through updates for 3 days in a row the past few days. Just goes to show me the constant security flaws in Microsoft's software.

My next laptop will be an Airbook. You really do get what you pay for with Apple products when all is said and done.

After my Wife saw how great and simple it was to use the iPad 2 after I brought it home last week . . . We had to go back to the Apple store and get her one too. She's now estatic as this is her first device that was not a 2-3 year old laptop hand me down from me :D
I really wish I could afford an AirBook right now, just for the coolness, not because I need it. :)

I gave my old iPad 1 to my mother. It's the first Apple device I've given her that she actually uses.

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