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All-In-One Breeding Guide

Autumn Dragon = [Air + Cold + Fire] [24h][19h12m]
Limited: Only available during Autumn Season

The Autumn Dragon can be bred by breeding any dragons that contain Air, Cold, and Fire elements in the combination, in any order.

Suggested Combo:
Air + Blue Fire
Air + Frostfire
Blazing + Blizzard
Blazing + Blue Fire
Blazing + Frostfire
Blazing + Snow
Blizzard + Blue Fire
Blizzard + Frostfire
Blizzard + Smoke
Blue Fire + Smoke
Blue Fire + Snow
Frostfire + Smoke
Frostfire + Snow
Smoke + Snow

Autumn/BlueFire Combo:
Fire + Blizzard
Fire + Snow

Autumn/FrostFire Combo:
Cold + Blazing
Cold + Smoke

Note: Autumn Dragon can be breed with Summer and Spring Dragon, the result will be either of the pair
॰ْ✧*॰ْ Opal is back ॰ْ✧*॰ْ

Opal Dragon [31][24h48m]
Limited: Only available during the month of October

Can only be bred by breeding
Lava + Mud
Bone is clattering back!

Bone Dragon = [Fire + Earth] [10h][8h]
Only available for limited time

The Bone Dragon can be bred by breeding any dragons that have Fire and Earth elements present in the combination, in any order.

Suggested Combo:
Earth + Flower
Earth + Pepper
Earth + Poison
Fire + Forest
Fire + Moss
Fire + Tree
Flower + Forest
Flower + Lava
Flower + Moss
Flower + Obsidian
Flower + Tree
Forest + Lava
Forest + Obsidian
Forest + Pepper
Forest + Poison
Lava + Moss
Lava + Pepper
Lava + Plant
Lava + Poison
Lava + Tree
Moss + Obsidian
Moss + Pepper
Moss + Poison
Obsidian + Pepper
Obsidian + Plant
Obsidian + Poison
Obsidian + Tree
Pepper + Tree
Poison + Tree
The Ghost haunts again!

Ghost Dragon = [Cold + Earth] [15h30m][12h24m]
Only available for limited time

The Ghost Dragon can be bred by breeding any dragons that have Cold and Earth elements present in the combination, in any order.

Suggested Combo:
Cold + Mud
Cold + River
Earth + Ice
Earth + Iceberg
Glacier + Ice
Glacier + Iceberg
Glacier + Mud
Glacier + River
Glacier + Water
Ice + Mountain
Ice + Mud
Ice + River
Iceberg + Mountain
Iceberg + Mud
Iceberg + River
Mountain + Mud
Mountain + River
Mountain + Water
Zombie Dragon [20][16h]
Only available for limited time

Can only be bred by breeding
[COLOR="dark blue"]Meteor[/COLOR] + [COLOR=yellow green]Pollen[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Light Blue"]॰ْ✧*॰ْ Topaz is back ॰ْ✧*॰ْ[/COLOR]

Topaz Dragon [30][24h]
Limited: Only available during the month of November

Can only be bred by breeding
Cactus + Firefly
Hi mark! Any ideas on Glass? I've had no time to read and catch up on our usual forum, but I've not seen any mention on Sandbox either. Is my blonde ness getting the best if me again?!

And I'm also thinking of you, hoping you and your family are well as the news has mentioned horrible weather in your parts.

GCID: princesssuzabella
Suzabella said:
Hi mark! Any ideas on Glass? I've had no time to read and catch up on our usual forum, but I've not seen any mention on Sandbox either. Is my blonde ness getting the best if me again?!

And I'm also thinking of you, hoping you and your family are well as the news has mentioned horrible weather in your parts.

GCID: princesssuzabella

Sorry i have not updated this page yet, i'll update all the light hybrid and put its suggested combo when i got back home using my PC, i'm still on vacation, it's difficult to edit the first page by just using iphone. :D

Glass can be bred by breeding Light+Earth. I think it's more common to get a Sand, you just have to keep trying.

You can also use this combo:
Dodo + Light
Dodo + Rift
Dodo + Sand
Earth + Light
Earth + Rift
Earth + Sand
Light + Sand
Light + Sandstorm
Rift + Sand
Rift + Sandstorm
Sand + Sand
Sand + Sandstorm

The results are just the same: Sand or Glass

Thanks for your concern, yes me and our family are all fine. Sadly, those in rural areas are greatly affected by the super typhoon especially the province of Tacloban.
Sorry i have not updated this page yet, i'll update all the light hybrid and put its suggested combo when i got back home using my PC, i'm still on vacation, it's difficult to edit the first page by just using iphone. :D Glass can be bred by breeding Light+Earth. I think it's more common to get a Sand, you just have to keep trying. You can also use this combo: Dodo + Light Dodo + Rift Dodo + Sand Earth + Light Earth + Rift Earth + Sand Light + Sand Light + Sandstorm Rift + Sand Rift + Sandstorm Sand + Sand Sand + Sandstorm The results are just the same: Sand or Glass ✄------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your concern, yes me and our family are all fine. Sadly, those in rural areas are greatly affected by the super typhoon especially the province of Tacloban.

Hi Kry2n8-

Hope everything is safe for you in the PI.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Sorry i have not updated this page yet, i'll update all the light hybrid and put its suggested combo when i got back home using my PC, i'm still on vacation, it's difficult to edit the first page by just using iphone. :D Glass can be bred by breeding Light+Earth. I think it's more common to get a Sand, you just have to keep trying. You can also use this combo: Dodo + Light Dodo + Rift Dodo + Sand Earth + Light Earth + Rift Earth + Sand Light + Sand Light + Sandstorm Rift + Sand Rift + Sandstorm Sand + Sand Sand + Sandstorm The results are just the same: Sand or Glass ✄------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your concern, yes me and our family are all fine. Sadly, those in rural areas are greatly affected by the super typhoon especially the province of Tacloban.

Thanks for the heads up re: glass. So glad to know you and your family are fine. It IS SO sad to hear of the devestation there. :-(

GCID: princesssuzabella
skimonkey said:
Hi Kry2n8-

Hope everything is safe for you in the PI.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator

Thanks skimonkey. Everything is fine in our city. I hope your relatives in PI is also safe.
Sorry i have not updated this page yet, i'll update all the light hybrid and put its suggested combo when i got back home using my PC, i'm still on vacation, it's difficult to edit the first page by just using iphone. :D

Glass can be bred by breeding Light+Earth. I think it's more common to get a Sand, you just have to keep trying.

You can also use this combo:
Dodo + Light
Dodo + Rift
Dodo + Sand
Earth + Light
Earth + Rift
Earth + Sand
Light + Sand
Light + Sandstorm
Rift + Sand
Rift + Sandstorm
Sand + Sand
Sand + Sandstorm

The results are just the same: Sand or Glass

Thanks for your concern, yes me and our family are all fine. Sadly, those in rural areas are greatly affected by the super typhoon especially the province of Tacloban.

Glad to hear you and your family are safe Marc............my prayers are with you as you brace for another storm front. Stay safe!

GC ID: ~ mari3c ~ Patience & Perseverance
marie6065 said:
Glad to hear you and your family are safe Marc............my prayers are with you as you brace for another storm front. Stay safe!

GC ID: ~ mari3c ~ Patience & Perseverance

Thanks Marie.
Jet Dragon [30h][24h]
Limited: Only available for 3 months

Can only be bred by breeding
Ash + FrostFire
Mistletoe Dragon [Cold + Plant + Earth] [8h][6h24m]
Only available for limited time

Can only be bred by breeding
[COLOR="sky blue"]Lichen[/COLOR] + Tree

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