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"All the world's websites in your hands"


iPF Noob
What happened to truth in advertising? Of course, technically they didn't say you could VIEW "all the world's websites" ...

What's Apple's beef with Adobe about Flash? They've come to terms with .pdf files, why not Flash? Do you know how many sites I've gone to that fail to load because Flash isn't supported? Worse, one of the 4 iPads that was just purchased is for my boss's kid - and where does she go? Flash sites. For a 10-year old, it's almost useless.

When people see mine and ask about it, the first thing I tell them is that there are so many sites that don't work...like Hulu, one of my favorite places to go when I need to kill time. Or even the videos on my local news stations when I'm out of town. It has its upside(s), but between lack of Flash support and its battery life (ever see how long a Kindle lasts???), it has some serious shortcomings.

I can deal with battery, but no Flash support is bad, Bad, BAD.

It sucks, and it's a SERIOUS detriment and deterrent to the iPad. Coming up with new technology is good, but it takes time to be accepted. Meanwhile, Flash is the standard at the moment, and needs to be addressed.
Wow was this post even necessary? It's BEEN discussed. Why don't you read Steve jobs letter on flash on apple.com? Seriously....
I didn't know it existed until you so politely pointed it out. For others who may not live on Apple's website, here is the link:

Thoughts on Flash

It gives reasons - some very *good* reasons - why Flash is not permitted. However, at the time of this writing, Flash is still the standard, and any site supporting Flash is unavailable (not only to iPad, but apparently *all* mobile devices). If HTML5, CSS and JavaScript are to become the replacements for Flash, they should be pushed harder for acceptance in the common place, not just the new, elitist sites that few in the public have reason to visit.
Its unfortunate that you did not do research on this product prior to purchasing it, because the flash issue was one of the biggest topics for the detractors of the ipad and was widely discussed.

Your only recourse is to return it if possible or to sell it on ebay, for as sure as night follows day, no amount of complaining about it will bring flash to the ipad. Steve jobs has made up his mind and believe me, he will not change it
What are you really missing out on with no Flash?

I've had my iPad since launch, and I think there has been two times that I've ran into a site that I needed Flash to use it. All I did was go to another site that had the video I wanted to watch, easy.
Sure, I don't like missing out on Hulu or Homestar Runner, but I really respect what Apple is doing here. They're putting a line in the sand and saying that browser standards should be, well, standard.

Instead of going after Apple to change, why not write to Hulu and ask them to adopt HTML5 standards or to launch an app for iPad?
Sure, I don't like missing out on Hulu or Homestar Runner, but I really respect what Apple is doing here. They're putting a line in the sand and saying that browser standards should be, well, standard.

Instead of going after Apple to change, why not write to Hulu and ask them to adopt HTML5 standards or to launch an app for iPad?

I totally agree, that's a great suggestion. I figured the lack of flash would bother me and would be getting another tablet in a few months that did support flash, and I'd give this to my girlfriend. HOWEVER, that was BEFORE I had put my hands on an iPad. I didn't see one in person until mine arrived.

Now that I've used it, the only way it will go anywhere is when I upgrade to a 64 gig. Great suggestion, if more people would do something instead of just complaining, we'd have more apps sooner :)

And I'm blown away with the battery life. This thing has INCREDIBLE battery life for the processing power and it's capabilities. The Kindle does have good battery life, but it's not at all the same type of device. That's like developing a nitro funny car that gets 20 miles per gallon, and then saying "that's nothing to be excited about, look at the prius."
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I miss Hulu, but I can live without it. I'm worried for the boss's kid - who was the one who ASKED that we get them in the first place - when she can't go to her Webkins site :rolleyes:

I think I WILL write to Hulu ... if the problem with Flash is really that enormous, then they *should* consider another format, just for the safety of their customers.

What do *I* want them for? We're doing a big job in Haiti. We need communication. We don't have it. My guys are biggun's, guys whose fingers really weren't designed for Blackberry keys. And they don't play nicely with little screens. An iPad can afford them many of the same applications that a Blackberry can (telephone excepted) on a larger scale, while providing them with - I had hoped - some internet entertainment that would otherwise be unavailable to them while they're down there.

I need to check with the local provider to see if they have 3g and if they have the same type of SIM card. If they do, then we need to get their SIM cards for use in Haiti to avoid AT&T's roaming charges.

In the great big scheme of things, not everyone thinks Steve Jobs walks on water without getting his feet wet. Therefore, they're more comfortable adhering to the Bill Gates things they cut their teeth upon. The tides appear to be changing; Apple is beginning to take a larger bite out of the market - and entrenched thinking will change.

Flash may be bad for you, but so is candy. However, try telling a kid that a carrot is much better for you than that Snickers bar. There WILL be resistance. And that was all I was trying to say.
People make Flash out to be a bigger deal than it is. Sure, there are a few sites you can't use at all without Flash, but those sites are very few compared to the rest of the sites on the web.
Flash Heat

I did not understand issue with Flash until iPad came out sans Flash. Now I remember that my 15" MacBook Pro runs both fans at 5,000 rpm+ when Flash videos are running for any period of time. Problem is Flash is apparently driven by not software not dedicated hardware. I miss seeing the videos on iPad but that isn't a reason to discount all the MANY advantages of the iPad.

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