@hessa.als & @rollercoaster - You are both new around here so you get 1 friendly warning. We take politeness and helpfulness VERY SERIOUSLY around here. I suggest you read our rules, which you agreed to when you joined, before posting again.
If you are not able to help a member with a serious question, DO NOT RESPOND TO THEIR MESSAGE! Got it?
A humorous response to a humorous post is fine, but your responses come across as ridicule, which is not tolerated.
David, we all have questions which may or may not be stupid when it comes to the iPad. Your is perfectly valid and you should not feel compelled to edit it out on the basis of a couple of unhelpful comments from new members who should know better.
Have a read of this and see if it helps resolve your issue -
iPad: Understanding the side switch
If not, post more details. Someone will be able to help!