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An art competition for artworks created using apps!


iPF Noob
Hello Everybody,

It seems that the world is finally understanding that ART is changing thanks to the new media.
I found this interesting competition that, beside traditional forms of expression, has a section called 'Virtual Art' dedicated to artworks created using iPad or iPhone apps!
The awards total amount is about 233163 USD and there are many special prizes. In particular a collaboration with an Italian Jewelry Company called FOPE. Not bad!

Here some info:


Awards total amount: 170,000 EUR
Sections: painting, sculpture, photographic art, videoart and performance, virtual art
Deadline: 30th November 2011 (for applications by postal service), 6th December (for applications online)
Application fee: 50 EUR one work, 90 EUR two works
110 Finalists Works Collective Exhibition: Arsenale of Venice
Artist in Residence: Loft Miramarmi - Italy, Carlo Zauli Museum - Italy, Glass School Abate Zanetti - Venice, Art Stays - Slovenia, iaab – Basel, Technymon India ARTresidency – Mumbai.
Business for Art: money prize and artistic project offered by STILE Original Design
Prize Curator: Igor Zanti - Art Critic
Jurors: Alessio Antoniolli - Director Gasworks of London ; Chiara Barbieri - Publications Director, Peggy Guggenheim Collection; Gabriella Belli - Director MART of Trento and Rovereto; Ilaria Bonacossa – Freelance Curator; Soledad Gutierrez - Curator at MACBA Barcelona; Kanchi Metha - Curator Indian Pavillon Prague Biennale; Ludovico Pratesi - Director Centro Arti Visive Pescheria of Pesaro; Maria Savarese - Freelance Curator ; Ralf Schmitt - Director Preview Berlin; Alma Zevi - Art Critic.


I'm definitely gonna submit my artworks! If I win, they will be showed in the collective exhibition in Venice, Italy!!
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