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"An error occured while backing up (-50) on attempted ios5 upgrade. Help!

To Mickey88

I've been trying for 3 days to update my ipad 1 i get the same error message, cannot back up continue or lose everything, i've been so frustrated i've been tempted to click continue and lose everything just to get it sorted, as half my apps have updates that i cannot download as i dont have the new IOS5, so annoying, i've tried everything thats been advised here and nothing is working :(

What is the OS on tour computer? If it's OSX you need to update it and you have to do the search for it manually. It happened to me. Only after the update I succeeded updating to IOS5.
I've been trying for 3 days to update my ipad 1 i get the same error message, cannot back up continue or lose everything, i've been so frustrated i've been tempted to click continue and lose everything just to get it sorted, as half my apps have updates that i cannot download as i dont have the new IOS5, so annoying, i've tried everything thats been advised here and nothing is working :(

It does wipe your Ipad but the backup as part of the upgrade saves those and restores or you reinstall (and the content is still intact)--at least for me. I'm trying to remember if what you wrote is what I encountered. A friend had warned me how different this upgrade was so I expected some strange messaging. i have 2 more devices to upgrade but may notl I use my Touch primarily for music and "radio" to transmit through stereo systems and car, my husband won't use mist of the changes so I may wait a bit to upgrade his.

Speaking of updates--I lost Blogshelf. I've been in contact with the developer and he removed it from the app store temporarily because it didn't meet Icloud but did IOS 5. it was one of the 22 apps that wouldn't sync. He suggested I retry syncing it because he upgraded and his Blogshelf restored. Seems everything doesn't work the same for everyone. I'll try reinstalling when he puts it back but he expected a month wait.

I'm afraid I did lose patience after going round in circles. Error -54. I restored iPad 1 to factory settings in the end and at least I e got my paddy back without data but hey ho. I hope you find out how to fix this. Have you read richsadams thread on how to achieve success with this update?

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Hi, I've had the same prob for 3 days so I went to apples website and looked under support, they are advising you before downloading the new update to reformat your iPad after running a back up, then when the software reinstalls it automatically installs 5 it worked for me :)
What is the OS on tour computer? If it's OSX you need to update it and you have to do the search for it manually. It happened to me. Only after the update I succeeded updating to IOS5.

I run windows 7 but after taking apples advice via their website under support, before installing 5 back up and reformat your iPad, I did and it worked I lost nothing and got the new os :)
Hi, I've had the same prob for 3 days so I went to apples website and looked under support, they are advising you before downloading the new update to reformat your iPad after running a back up, then when the software reinstalls it automatically installs 5 it worked for me :)
Thanks for that. Can you post a link to the Apple Support page? TIA!
Maybe someone posted the link in this thread since I found at least one link to an Apple recommendation. I haven't looked through all the thread since its long but there certainly are a lot of different ways people were able to complete the upgrade process so maybe one of those may help,

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I've been having issues too - my iPhone4 upgrade to iOS5 on my work laptop, running Windows 7 was a breeze.... getting my iPad 2 to upgrade on my home PC (Windows XP) is another story - the backup just never happens and I get the same message as above, except it's error coded -1303, and the "only" way to proceed is to wipe the iPad which is stupid really... has anyone here actually "beaten" this error without wiping their iPads?
Did the same thing last night..got the exact Same message and lost all od the data from my Vault app (passwords) and lost all data on my calendar. Can anyone help????
I am brand new to IPad. Just bought IPad 2 3G WiFi. How do I load on OS5?
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With regard to your question about upgrading to iOS 5, here are the instructions from Apple...

Updating your iOS device

iTunes can update your device to the latest available iOS software. An update doesn't affect your user content or settings. iTunes creates a backup of your iOS device and then performs the update. Follow these steps to update your device:
  1. Verify that you are using the latest version of iTunes before attempting to update.
  2. Connect your iOS device to your computer.
  3. Select your iOS device when it appears in iTunes under Devices.
  4. Select the Summary tab.
  5. Click "Check for Update"
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions

Note that depending on Apple's server load as well as your broadband connection, this update can take up to several hours (or it may be less). Be prepared to spend some time though.

More here:

iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring iOS software

Odds are very good now that things will go fine. However prior to updating you might have a look at the tips in this post:

iOS 5 Upgrade Troubleshooting

Welcome again and enjoy!

The 50 and 3000 series errors are almost always due to time-outs. In other words the connection to Apple's servers was lost for some reason. Apple's server load is still probably high, however if you're repeatedly getting one of these errors it's possible the issue is on your end now. Have a look at this thread and see if there's anything that you can do (or not do) on your end to resolve the issue:


Also, I came across this advice which seems to have corrected the problem for some Mac users. It's a terminal command line.

Close iTunes before running it!

Open Terminal and paste this line in, hit Return:

defaults write com.apple.iTunes DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false

If that works for anyone, please post back so we can add it to the tips as a confirmed fix. TIA!
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Same problem. synced ipad, backed up via itunes. installed IO5. Restore has not restored any of my documents; Pages, Numbers, Notes etc, - all gone. I keep getting the (-50) error message. Does Itunes back these docs anywhere during a sync? I'm clutching here.

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