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"An error occured while backing up (-50) on attempted ios5 upgrade. Help!

Definitely Works

Hi all, I had this issue but fixed it by doing the following...

You may want to check that the computer you are on is authorised, so that any purchased apps are also downloaded to that computer. The error message means that the iPad and the itunes account are not in sync, once you have auth'd it any apps will download and you can then perform a sync and backup manually. After that you can update!!

Hope this works for you all too... :D

All I did was log into itunes with every account that I have ever used with itunes and it now is working. I feel like it would have been good for Apple to say that. Too bad I already updated my iPhone without doing a back up thinking that my last one had been recent. It was January 11th. Needless to say, Im kinda pissed that I lost everything, but what are you gunna do...

Good luck everyone!
1. Launch Tiny Umbrella and make sure that your SHSH Blobs are saved for iOS 4.1.
2. I made sure that the host file was still pointing to Apple's servers
3. I launched Redsn0w and put the phone into the cracked DFU mode.
4. I then restored my iPhone 4 as normal in iTunes and I had no problems with the restore.
This situation is a serious negative for Apple in my book. After going through a number of 3200 error messages, now onto "unable to backup -5000" error message (at least 4 attempts), I am now beyond frustration stage and right onto downright anger. Apple have messed up big time. They know how many ipads and iphones are out there. If they cannot provide upgrade services to cater for their market, they should plan out and communicate stages per markets, countries or whatever. I've been at this process for over 12 hours including overnight attempts. Seriously bad service. What's even worse, I'm beginning to not trust the upgrade when I get messages saying all my data will be erased if I continue.
And not everyone has come across this forum where I have read some comments which do provide some sort of comfort.
And what is up with the download process? Why if you pause the download, it starts from scratch when you resume the process?? I still have to upgrade my Iphone 4 to the new IOS and I am already on my third attempt at dowloading the file. And dreading the whole process given there are loads more Iphones out there than Ipad....
And from now on we will be servicing from the cloud. RIGHT!!
Appalling service Apple.
This situation is a serious negative for Apple in my book. After going through a number of 3200 error messages, now onto "unable to backup -5000" error message (at least 4 attempts), I am now beyond frustration stage and right onto downright anger. Apple have messed up big time. They know how many ipads and iphones are out there. If they cannot provide upgrade services to cater for their market, they should plan out and communicate stages per markets, countries or whatever. I've been at this process for over 12 hours including overnight attempts. Seriously bad service. What's even worse, I'm beginning to not trust the upgrade when I get messages saying all my data will be erased if I continue.
And not everyone has come across this forum where I have read some comments which do provide some sort of comfort.
And what is up with the download process? Why if you pause the download, it starts from scratch when you resume the process?? I still have to upgrade my Iphone 4 to the new IOS and I am already on my third attempt at dowloading the file. And dreading the whole process given there are loads more Iphones out there than Ipad....
And from now on we will be servicing from the cloud. RIGHT!!
Appalling service Apple.

I understand your frustration. Actually, that is a lie. I don't. I didn't upgrade. But when a million or so all do something at the same time, there are going to be issues.

Itunes cheats. Always has always will. Doesn't play well with others. But in the end we win. If folks would have waited a few days or so things may have gone smoother. But this "have to have it today thing" is the human way.

Been there done that.

Hang in there!
Just a quick update on present state of affairs...I have just gone through the whole process with an Iphone 4 without a glitch and in what seems a short time. No problems whatsoever once the file was downloaded. Immediately plugged in the Ipad to give it another chance and it's back to error whatever and failing to backup. Something is wrong. Very wrong with the Ipad process.
You need to log into iTunes...

Once you log into iTunes on your device, download something off the cloud, it will then prompt you to agree to the new terms of service. Once you do this, reconnect your device and you should be right as rain.
I've been trying for 3 days to update my ipad 1 i get the same error message, cannot back up continue or lose everything, i've been so frustrated i've been tempted to click continue and lose everything just to get it sorted, as half my apps have updates that i cannot download as i dont have the new IOS5, so annoying, i've tried everything thats been advised here and nothing is working :(
PDB said:
they should plan out and communicate stages per markets, countries or whatever. I've been at this process for over 12 hours including overnight attempts......
Appalling service Apple.

do you not think that if they staged the rollout, all those that are in stage two, three, etc, etc, would be complaining that they don't have iOS 5........I'm thinking Apple just can't win......just my 2 cents and not looking to start a debate.
Gabriel1 said:
do you not think that if they staged the rollout, all those that are in stage two, three, etc, etc, would be complaining that they don't have iOS 5........I'm thinking Apple just can't win......just my 2 cents and not looking to start a debate.

I have to agree, considering the demand on this update it went pretty well.
Yea there were some problems but that expected. No other way really to do it
Its quite different from other upgrades but mine went fairly well yesterday afternoon, EST. I got two errors (disconnect from Ipad). I was told to reconnect and try restore again. I tried another new USB cable and it went much better.Where I had had 2-4 hours restore, it was now 1/2 hour, verification went well. The resyncing apps wasn't too intuitive for many and I had 22 they "couldn't find" of the ones I wanted to sync back to Ipad. It meant reinstalling from "purchased" in app store and I didn't expect to find content but there it was (but slogging through app store in purchased was VERY slow). Only boo boo was I synced Ibooks and evidently shouldn't have--PDFs and manuals gone. Luckily in Goodreader and/or Dropbox. I don't buy books in Ibooks.

I have IOS 5 on my iPad but can no longer get any videos or music from my itunes onto my iPad.... any suggestions?????

I have IOS 5 on my iPad but can no longer get any videos or music from my itunes onto my iPad.... any suggestions?????

I found this suggested solution.

To Fix your Music in the Music App:
1) Plug your iDevice into iTunes
2) Under your devices music tab, de-select Sync Music -> Click on Sync (this should remove your itunes library from your iDevice
3) After completing step 2, go back to the music tab and re-select Sync Music -> then click on Sync
4) After completing step 3 your iTunes library should have returned to your iDevice
5) Try playing your music now from the music app. It should work.
To Fix Your Videos in the Videos App:
1) Plug your iDevice into iTunes
2) Under your devices Movies tab, de-select Sync Movies -> Click on Sync (this should remove your iTunes video library from your iDevice
3) After completing step 2, go back to the movies tab and re-select Sync Movies -> then click on Sync
4) After completing step 3 your iTunes video library should have returned to your iDevice
5) Try playing your videos now from the Videos app. It should work.

I have no idea if it works but its the only thing I found.
I found this suggested solution.

To Fix your Music in the Music App:
1) Plug your iDevice into iTunes
2) Under your devices music tab, de-select Sync Music -> Click on Sync (this should remove your itunes library from your iDevice
3) After completing step 2, go back to the music tab and re-select Sync Music -> then click on Sync
4) After completing step 3 your iTunes library should have returned to your iDevice
5) Try playing your music now from the music app. It should work.
To Fix Your Videos in the Videos App:
1) Plug your iDevice into iTunes
2) Under your devices Movies tab, de-select Sync Movies -> Click on Sync (this should remove your iTunes video library from your iDevice
3) After completing step 2, go back to the movies tab and re-select Sync Movies -> then click on Sync
4) After completing step 3 your iTunes video library should have returned to your iDevice
5) Try playing your videos now from the Videos app. It should work.

I have no idea if it works but its the only thing I found.
I can confirm that both methods have worked, both before and after iOS 5 installs. Basically it just means removing all of the music and/or video files from your iPad and then reinstalling them. Cleans uncooperative files up nicely. :thumbs:

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