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An iPad campus

I'm also interested in seeing EXACTLY how the iPads will be paid for. Are they going to pass along the cost to the student? Are they going to subsidize them? What happens when idiot college kids drop them? If you drop a text book, nothing happens. When you drop or lose an iPad, that's significantly more expensive. And I also always have to wonder how my tax dollars are eventually going to pay for this...probably through federal grants to the students.
crazy, the first time I went to college, no one had cell phones and the internet was this thing called Gopher.

i can remember that era along with beening able to work a whole summer and beening able to pay for a whole year of school along with my useing my G.I. bill ..

i do think the ipad for school is going to be great
Textbooks are a rip no matter if hard or electronic,,,,, there are a few tricks part of $$$ back and I'm sure many of you know those.... I certainly never felt guilty about it and hope no student does.
i was looked into a couple of class this summer to take and the text books cost was out crazy for basic course i was looking into takeing .. i ask the person who was teaching the class about diff textbooks and they basically said that they can not wait for the who textbooks to go to the way of the e-book style for it would a lot easlyer for them to say get this book ..

the teacher of the course does think the ipad is the wave of the future in tech book readers system .
Textbooks are a rip no matter if hard or electronic,,,,, there are a few tricks part of $$$ back and I'm sure many of you know those.... I certainly never felt guilty about it and hope no student does.

Part of any such program is to get instructor dedication to going to e-texts, and getting publishers to reduce the price of e-books to an acceptable level. There is a lot of profit margin in text books, and at some point, the publishers are going to have to take a cut, or lose all.
Textbooks are a rip no matter if hard or electronic,,,,, there are a few tricks part of $$$ back and I'm sure many of you know those.... I certainly never felt guilty about it and hope no student does.

Part of any such program is to get instructor dedication to going to e-texts, and getting publishers to reduce the price of e-books to an acceptable level. There is a lot of profit margin in text books, and at some point, the publishers are going to have to take a cut, or lose all.

it really sad that the state of affairs about the cost of the text books for a person going to school now day ..
I fully expect rampant ipad breakage and theft in these scenerios...
Also I'm sure students will figure out ways to pirate many copies of textbooks so that most students won't be buying the digital textbooks, but copying from former students.
On the flipside, what are the arrangements to "sell back" or "sell off" a "used" digital textbook, the way that real textbooks are?

A rugged, color e-ink, e-reader for less than $200 would probably do very well in this market...
You can't sell back the digital textbook, at least not in my experience. Once you download it, the rights belong to you only.
Oklahoma colleges embracing iPad | Tulsa World

Here is a link to the latest article about what is going on in Oklahoma colleges and the iPad. If you will note, the article says they are planning on about $100 per text book savings with the iPad. That can be a huge savings. It may be that future plans will offer textbook rentals at a lower price, where the text book is self deleted after so many months.
Tulsa must have negotiated a watershed deal with the textbook publishers. Never before has there been such an extensive discount on electronic texts. I think that the savings projection is hugely optimistic.

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