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Android/Other tablets cutting their price because of the iPad? Not 100% sure...

HP just announced that they are shutting down their smart phone/tablet division and spinning off their PC business. This means that WebOS is gone and all those Touch Pads will never sell because they are without long term support. All the more pressing this makes the question of how well the Android tablets are actually selling. Most of what I hear about complaints concerning the various android tablet versions is not OS issues, but hardware issues. Too bulky, poor quality, too heavy, things like that.

What OS issues they report, are not an issue that much with android, but the lack of dedicated apps. With only about 250 tablet apps for android, vs 90,000 for iOS, that may be the big question mark. I would estimate that it will not take long for android apps to catch up, but how many companies will get tired of waiting and give up by then?

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