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Annoyingly persistent un-wanted iPad download in iTunes


iPF Noob
Please Help. On my first day with my brand new iPad (3) I was checking out lots of cool apps. One of the apps I tried was a very bulky adventure games called something like goblins and dragons quest, or whatever. Anyway, it has (had) incredible graphics and all, but I discovered I didn't want it after playing for a few minutes. I then deleted it from my ipad.
Here's my question: Now, when I load iTunes on my PC, the download sections starts downloading this big game. And... it says something like "3 hours remaining" to complete the download! I have deleted it from the download cue multiple time, but every time I start up Itunes again... it's back. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
This is just one of many many reasons why I hate itunes
When in iTunes, and with the iPad NOT connected, navigate to the apps section. Locate the app you don't want and right click on it - then select delete. If offered the option, have it sent to the Recycle Bin versus keeping it on the computer.

That, plus having it deleted off your iPad, should prevent that app from attempting to download or sync with your iPad.

Hope that helps.


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