Not to be the 'devil's advocate' here, but how 'old' is your child and are you planning to let him or her use the iPad unsupervised - these are relatively expensive devices (vs. plastic toys) and being so portable can easily be damaged; plus, I'm not sure 'how much' thought and reading you have done concerning the appropriate time to let a child use a tablet - if not already done, you might want to google 'kids and tablets what age is OK' - there are plenty of interesting hits, such as
THIS ONE with varied opinions and suggestions.
For myself not an issue, our son is now in his early 40s - I bought our first computer in 1980 (an Apple II+) and he (7 y/o) used it w/o a problem, but it was a desktop w/ built-in keyboard - would I have gotten him a tablet? Not sure but he was fairly mature at that age and probably would have been quite careful - if he had been 3 or 4 yrs old, I likely would have had my wife or I sitting next to him - but all supposition on my part - good luck in your decision. Dave