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Any way to read my ISP web based Flash email


iPF Noob
I like to access my email via the web client, because I typically access it from several different PC's, therefore, using Outlook, or Outlook Express would be counter productive to doing it this way, unless I programmed it to leave the files on the server.

Anyway, my ISP, Charter Communications, several months ago, re-wrote the entire web interface and now, it's a flash based webpage, and it really sucks, but, I would none the less, love to be able to access my email from the iPad.

I am jailbroken, but, still don't know of any way to do this. I have looked for POP3 clients, but, as far as I know, I don't remember finding anything.

Can anyone point me in the direction that would allow me to do this? Free is better, if not free, the less it is of course, the better it is.

Thanks so much.
Not exactly.

They offer these as the mobile instructions:

  • Username: username@charter.net (make sure you enter @charter.net after your username or you will be unable to login)
  • Password: the password you use to login to your e-mail account
  • SSL: this setting should be on for both SMTP and IMAP
  • SMTP: mobile.charter.net
  • Port: 587 (Note: If you cannot specify a port on your device, try mobile.charter.net:587)
  • IMAP: mobile.charter.net
  • Port: 993 (Note: If you cannot specify a port on your device, try mobile.charter.net:993)
  • If applicable: a login will be required when sending and receiving mail.
Why not try those settings in the mail app? Use smtp so your messages stay on server instead of imap which syncs..
Had not thought about that, i'm using Gmail in the Mail app.

Can I set more than 1 account with the Mail app?

If not, I'm sure I could always use Safari to read Gmail.

Yes, I have 3 email accounts from 3 different sources set up. No problems. One is gmail, one is work dsl server, one is home mail pop3...
Use gmail to do all the lifting for you

Another suggestion is to setup Gmail to grab the other mailboxes for you. Then, you have the simplicity of a single inbox on your phone or desktop system(s). In the Gmail settings section, there's an 'Accounts and import' sub-section where you can enter in email hosts that you want to grab from. I think the limit is five. This has the added advantage of using Gmail's anti-spam capabilities, and usually, only good stuff ends up in your inbox. I use this approach for email addresses that I have to monitor, but that I don't want to see individual mailbox objects either on my desktop or hand-held devices. Only caveat is that Gmail only polls the email sources every 20 minutes. If Gmail is actually open on a real desktop, the mailboxes are polled each time you click 'refresh', but in the hand-held world, you'll probably have to wait the full 20 minutes. At least this is the way it worked on my Blackberry. I'm only a recent Iphone convert and have noted there are a few differences between what at first glance appear to be identical services between the Blackberry vs. Iphone options. W.
Why not try those settings in the mail app? Use smtp so your messages stay on server instead of imap which syncs..

Hi there... so what would change in the info that glen4cindy wrote in her message?

I am also a new iPad user and from the PC world... and am interested in getting my email from charter's web based server and NOT synching the email to my iPad.. but rather reading it and responding to it via my iPad when out roaming around... and keeping the email only synched at home on my PC.

Many thanks in advance for any help!!
Well, this solution only worked for a short time.

Apparently, the iPad can sense when another "device" is also trying to access a POP email account.

I like to have mobile access to my email, and do not have a 3G iPad, and therefore do not carry my iPad to work with me. For this reason, I use my Android based phone to get my Charter mail during the day.

As soon as I set up the Android phone to begin getting my Charter Email, the iPad stopped working. Neither device ever removed the messages from the server, it simply downloaded them so I could read them other than using my computer.

I cannot use my work computer to read my email because external email is blocked where I work, even if I were to access it off the clock. This is why I set my phone to do it.

It is not unreasonable to think that a person would want or need mulitple devices to access an email account, however, it is apparent the programming on the iPad prevents this.

The error I get is something to the effect of "another device is accessing this email account. Email will not be sent or received".

My G-Mail account is not affected in the same way, so maybe I should not be blaming the iPad, but, maybe it's a Charter limitation. However, I have Windows Live Mail on my PC that collects my messages because I got sick and tired of the stupid operation of Charter's "improved" Flash based interface.

The Android phone is powered by Google, and therefore, G-Mail is almost a given on my cell phone. I also have G-Mail as my main email account on the iPad, this works just fine. Charter, however, does not.

Anyone know a solution to this? I would like to be able to read my email on multiple devices, as there are times when my PC is unavailable, and the small size of my Android phone makes accessing email difficult.


It's gotta be a charter issue, I have no problem with my pop accounts on several different devices...I can even access on iPad and phone and pc at once
Why not try those settings in the mail app? Use smtp so your messages stay on server instead of imap which syncs..

Hi there... so what would change in the info that glen4cindy wrote in her message?

I am also a new iPad user and from the PC world... and am interested in getting my email from charter's web based server and NOT synching the email to my iPad.. but rather reading it and responding to it via my iPad when out roaming around... and keeping the email only synched at home on my PC.

Many thanks in advance for any help!!

Brenn B.... look at my message above... can you give me any guidance here.... I have just an iPad (as a hand held) and want to access Charter email from their web server... and can you give me some ideas as to how you would modify what glen4cindy had written... and I will give it a try...

Thanks lots
I don't have charter but this is what I was talking about. Copied from android forums but should be same for iPad and outlook etc.
Here are the instructions and if you follow them to the letter, you will solve your Charter email problem and get the POP3 email setup properly:

"IGNORE what Charter said the address is for Incoming and Outbound. pop.charter.net and smtp.charter.net will ONLY allow you to RECEIVE, when you try to compose, reply, reply all, forward, you will get a error, and it will NOT go out.

the correct settings should be:

Mail Type: POP
Incoming Mail Server: mail.charterinternet.com
Username: myusername@charter.net (first part of your email address DO NOT omit the @charter.net)
Password: whatever the password is to access the charter email account
Port: 110
Encryption: None

Outgoing Mail Server: smtp.charterinternet.com
Authentication: ON
Username: myusername@charter.net (first part of your email address DO NOT omit the @charter.net)
Password: whatever the password is to access the charter email account
Port: 25
Encryption: none"

I got this to work on my Droid, so again, I couldn't be more grateful and hope this helps with those having similar troubles.
Thanks BrennB.

I just set this up on my iPad and it is working.

I am still able to access my Charter mail from my Android Phone, and my iPad, and from the Live Mail application on my Windows 7 PC. This is great and it's perfect.

One difference with my situation that seems to be different than your experience, though, is that I am able to send and forward messages from the Charter account with the settings as you have indicated. So, I'm not sure why your experience was different, but, as for me, I am able to do everything I need.

I will now be able to travel WITHOUT my laptop, and get by with only my iPad. I think that I have the best of both worlds. I love Apple, and I love Windows. I have both types of comuters in my house, and use both and Apple has certainly done a great job.

Thanks for the help!

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