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AnyAttach - Attach Any File to E-Mail (While In Mail App)


Staff member
It's finally here! The ability to add any attachment into your e-mail,while you are IN the Mail app, composing that oh-so-important message. Any attachment…

AnyAttach ($1.99, USD):
[Cydia Description] A tweak that enables you to attach arbitrary files to your emails right from inside MobileMail. It comes with a file and photo/video picker that is accessible via the paper clip button that will be added to the subject bar in the mail compose window. No icon will be added to your homescreen. Options can be configured from the Settings app.

The screen shots aren't that exciting. But, it's still cool to see it. Here's the paperclip icon in an e-mail I'm composing:


And then, here's one where I can browse to locate the document I wish to add:


The only "problem" with this is you have to know, for example, what the real file name of GoodReader is, so that you can decipher which app has your file. That's an easy fix. Either memorize the first part of the number (I've learned the codes for GoodReader, iAnnotate and Atomic Web) or write them down somewhere (or maybe put the info in your Notes app) for later reference. Easy peasy. Oh, and note they are unique to each iPad, so there's no creating a master list for all to share…

EDIT TO THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH: Thanks to f4780y's eagle eyes - you can see the "real" names of your apps. Go to the settings for AnyAttch (in the iPad Settings app) and you can turn ON the ability to Show App Names. You can also opt to show hidden files or the entire filesystem here. So, it's even easier (and better) than I thought! No searching, no memorizing. Just go to the app, find your file, "paste" it in. Piece of cake.

Just think. You're typing that Reply e-mail and you want to add a document. Hit that paperclip, browse to the folder it's in and attach it. Finish the e-mail and send it off.

Or, say you want to add some photos. The tweak has a separate section to allow you to browse your Photo app for any photo or video. You can select more than one image at a time. I don't know the limit, but I successfully selected and e-mailed 10 wallpaper images to myself. Took a bit to send (each wallpaper was a 1024 x 1024 image), but they sent and received just fine.

Here's a shot of the selection for photos (the green check marks are for photos I've selected for e-mailing):


So, yeah, this should have been available right from the start. Well, it's here now and it's an inexpensive buy. So, what are you waiting for? Go on, get over to Cydia... :D

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Why oh why oh why can't Apple make that paperclip available to everyone?

Jailbreak to the rescue again! Nice writeup Marilyn :D

Handy Tip - Use iFile to browse your applicaitons folder (make sure you have the "Application Names" setting on). Then you can easily and quickly look up the folder "code" for the application you want to attach from... Might save you having to remember too many codes!
Handy Tip 2 - There is an option to show application names in the Settings of the Any Attach tweak :D
Handy Tip 2 - There is an option to show application names in the Settings of the Any Attach tweak :D

Oh, thanks for this, f4780y!

I never thought to look in the Settings because when Safari Upload Enabler (a different tweak also reviewed here) came out, it didn't have that option. It's been since updated, but I just figured that we'd have to wait until the developers "fixed" AnyAttach.

I'm glad you noticed this - and I'm going to edit the original overview just in case no one makes it this far.

Thanks again. That knowledge made an awesome tweak even more awesomer!! :D

i can access my dropbox files from the paperclip as well?

It doesn't appear you can access Dropbox "in the cloud" with this paperclip tweak. But, if you knew the path, I don't see why you couldn't access your favorites, though. They're saved on the iPad.

Or, go to Dropbox via iFile, download something and put it in iFile (maybe in the Documents folder). Then, you can access it from the Mail app.

Worth looking into, yeah?

Okay, I get to change my answer from the post above (#8).

The AnyAttach tweak just got an update - and now you can access your Dropbox account. How cool is that? Here's the selection screen:


And, I've tested it. Works great. So, I can send an e-mail from my iPad after attaching a file or photo from an "in the cloud" storage location. Man, I loves me some programmers!

Anyway. This was just an update...

To attach a photo to a new email or an email you are replaying (without the need of any app or jailbreaking your devise):

1) go to your camera roll and open the photo you want to attach
2) press with one finger on the photo for a while until you get the copy option and select it.
3) Now go back to the email you are working on and position your finger, press and wait until the paste option appears and select it

Done!! you just attached a photo. I did not try with PDF's though.
Figures not compatible with 5.1.1!!!

How is this not working for you? I have it installed on my iPad3 and it works very well. I'm able to send an e-mail from the iPad or access Dropbox to attach an file from there.

Can you not download or install the tweak from Cydia or does it not work on your iPad? I'd be interested to know what might be the differences - what type of iPad do you have?

Please, tell us where the problem is that you are having with this tweak. Maybe we can figure out a solution...

How is this not working for you? I have it installed on my iPad3 and it works very well. I'm able to send an e-mail from the iPad or access Dropbox to attach an file from there.

Can you not download or install the tweak from Cydia or does it not work on your iPad? I'd be interested to know what might be the differences - what type of iPad do you have?

Please, tell us where the problem is that you are having with this tweak. Maybe we can figure out a solution...


Cydia says it's not compatible with my device

I wonder now if it's okay to run on my iPad3...

Maybe I was able to download it because I had already purchased it before (back when I had the iPad1 on iOS 4.3.3)? There was another tweak that I tried to put on my brother-in-law's phone that was on mine - it said the same thing. Ran fine on mine, but I couldn't put it on his. This is another example of that situation. Weird.

Regardless, may be you might want to contact the developer? I know that there are ways they code their tweaks to ID which iDevices they ca run on, maybe the developer can run a quick check to update this one. You can use me as an example cause I guarantee you, it's definitely installed and, as far as I can tell, working great on the iPad3.

Sorry, but I'm of no assistance. Hopefully, the developer can get it updated soon so you can get it.


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