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Anyone else waiting???

A few have already changed to support newstand - Esquire and Wired for example.

Esquire and Wired are both Conde Nast publications (along with about 30 others.) Conde Nast signed an agreement last spring to put all of its digital publications under the control of iTunes (i.e. Newsstand.) It's all part of Apple's plan to take a 30% cut of subscription rates along with credit card billing through iTunes. Those who resist will be forced off iOS devices.
So a couple of thousand people have problems often brought about by themselves and maybe millions don't. On that basis you will never upgrade anything.

I upgrade all the time. But sometimes it works better if you wait for the little bugs to be worked out. I don't want to tie up my devices for several hours each.
soullessbunny said:
Yes, I'm waiting. A long painful history with Microsoft has taught me not to rush into anything...

Sent from my much loved iPad2 using iPF

One reason why iDevices are going to make some converts in the laptop/desktop market. The common thread running through the upgrade problems is that half the world tried to upgrade simultaneously. No amount of forward planning by Apple could have prevented this, nor allowed sufficient server capacity for a one-time event.

The difference is that, once the upgrade is installed, it will work because Apple did not release it until it was ready. Microsoft have never bothered with such niceties, being content to let the public become their unpaid beta testers.

I'm still being forced to wait as I can't get to my computer, but I'm prepared to bet that by the time I get iOS5, the conversation will have returned to iPad 3, iPhone 5 and so on. The reports of the disastrous upgrade (disastrous only in the minds of media hacks) will be old news.
I didn't lose any apps, or have to reinstall them, all my documents were still there, my wallpaper still set... It was just slow due to heavy traffic. That does seem to have cleared a bit today from the reports on this forum.
Im going to wait - if only because Im very happy with the way that my iPad2 is working with iOS 4.3.5 right now. And, the new features arent must-haves for me at this point. Ill get to it, eventually. :)
Took me two days on and off to finally get through and

get it downloaded. Have it on both iPhone 4 and iPad2. It is all it is advertised to be. Good investment of time.
jsh1120 said:
Esquire and Wired are both Conde Nast publications (along with about 30 others.) Conde Nast signed an agreement last spring to put all of its digital publications under the control of iTunes (i.e. Newsstand.) It's all part of Apple's plan to take a 30% cut of subscription rates along with credit card billing through iTunes. Those who resist will be forced off iOS devices.

What! Have they banned the Zinio app?
I upgraded and it took about 3 hours, with backup, download, install and restore.

At one point there was a message saying that I would loose everything, but I went ahead (knowing that I had a backup). Everthing went well.

EDIT: Two things that added to the time were updating iTunes on my PC (looking forward to not using it much in the future and updating about 15 apps for iOS 5 comptability.
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Hi everyone, I 'm having awful problems updating my iPad to iOS5. The iPad starts its backup and then after several hours I realised that the computer is "not responding". Tried several times now. After first attempt and giving up my iPad would then not allow me to update all my apps saying that an app was not compatible with iPad. Had to do it manually.

Any ideas for remedies anyone? I suspect these may well be linked.

Many thanks
Hi everyone, I 'm having awful problems updating my iPad to iOS5. The iPad starts its backup and then after several hours I realised that the computer is "not responding". Tried several times now. After first attempt and giving up my iPad would then not allow me to update all my apps saying that an app was not compatible with iPad. Had to do it manually.

Any ideas for remedies anyone? I suspect these may well be linked.

Many thanks

Have a look at this great post by Rich.......http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-help/49411-ios-5-upgrade-troubleshooting.html#

Hopefully it will help but let us know how you get on.

The Archangel
Many thanks for the link. It has lots of info and is very reassuring too! Clearly I need to allow many hours to complete this task as well as take all the necessary steps to ensure that it all goes smoothly.
I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again
Well it is Sunday night here in S. California. I have installed the update on my laptop, ipad2, and iphone 3Gs. Went perfectly. Thank you all on this forum for your postings which made this a very easy update for me. Took under 3 hours.

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