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anyone get this message on their ipad?


iPF Noob
I was trying to download "Fox in Sox" for my daughter this evening and iTunes kept spitting back this message...

After repeated attempts to sync and numerous restarts, I have finally given up for the night. Has anyone on here had this problem? Everything else syncs fine.
Assuming you didn't do something hinky the download is probably corrupted. No problem, just download it directly from the App store to the IPad using the iTunes app on the iPad. Once you've purchased an app you can download it again without paying.

That's not currently true of music or videos, though.
As USBill correctly points out, there's really no need to download books, videos, music to your PC and then sync that with your iPad. Just download directly to your iPad from the iPad's native iTunes app. I sync'd my iPad with my PC day one (no other choice) and then have never connected it to my PC again.

As one of the Forum members says in his tag line "Think before you sync or you may sink".


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