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Anyone have an iPad and iPod touch?


iPF Noob
I've had my iPad now for almost a year and am thinking about buying an iPod touch for it's portability. Anybody have one of each? Do you regret or love your decision?
I had an iPod touch first but yes I have both. I use the touch for music mostly. It is hard to go back to playing games on that smaller screen but not impossible. I played Illusia today on my iPod touch.
I can see how games would be an issue on the smaller screen. I'm worried about a smaller screen when reading email and surfing the web. I should prob just borrow my niece or nephew's and try it out!
I have iPad 1 and 2, iPhone 4S and iPod touch 4. My only regret is upgrading iPad 1 to iOS 5, not in buying any of the devices.

I use my devices differently. I like touch because I have all my audiobooks, books and music in a small package and can use it without worrying about running my phone out of juice while on the go. I often carry only iPhone and touch, because iPad is too big. I use iPad more for travel and home, rather than day to day on the go. I find the iPod touch's screen too cramped for typing and navigating, but love it for audiobooks, music and books (hook up to car stereo while driving, or read one-handed while on subway, for instance).

I also keep my contacts and email on iPhone, not touch, because I can worry less about it being stolen while reading on the subway, for instance.
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Hi. Yes i have both. First was the ipod touch then the ipad 1. I dont really use my ipod touch anymore because i have way more room on my Ipad. Ummm i only use my ipod if my ipad is charging or if my ipods closer to me lol. But yeah having both gives you more options and it can be kinda hard parting from your ipod if youve had it for ages. Ou sort of get an attachment to it lol. But all in all the ipad is bigger and better!! Hope this helps.
I have a iPod touch and a iPad 2 since I've gotten my iPad I only use my iPod to listen to music..not to mention I really don't like using my iPod touch now either..first of all it has a smaller screen its kind of hard to type and play games on it and to see things on the screen..the ipad is bigger and can do more things than my iPod touch in my opinion I would stick with the ipad
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i bought an ipod touch 1 around 4-5 years back or whatever it was. used it to death until the day i bought my ipad2 last year. since then i rarely pick up my touch any more. there's nothing my touch can do that my ipad can do x10, other than fit in my pocket whilst out and about, which i never personally used it for. but, it's still and awesome email and web surfing machine. you dont worry about the small screen size when using one.

i now just use my touch, on my office desk, as an email warning system. the old ios3.x it uses receives pushed email and notifies me sooooo much earlier than the ios5.x on the ipad :P
No, not enough gigs and too similar to iPhone.

Sent from my Tricked Out Glittery Verizon Black 32GB iPhone 4 using iPF
I have an iPod nano for exercising to...easier to carry on me.....an iPod touch 2nd gen for listening to music, an iPod touch 4 generation for carrying around with me, an ipad 1 which I have given to my husband, whether he wanted it or not, as I now have the ipad 2! So I can make use of all my idevices one way or another.
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I have both the touch (4th gen) and the ipad 2. Love both of them dearly. As kaykaykay, I use mine touch for audiobooks, podcasts and of course music. I really is nice when you are on the treadmill or going for walks. I purchased the touch before the ipad, but am still impressed on all that the touch can do. It is a mini-ipad, truly. Neither devices are neglected in this household. :)
i was going to buy an ipod touch but afetr seeing the ipadi will just get the ipad and maybe a ipod touchdown the road
I originally had the 2nd generation iPod touch and bought the iPad2 when it came out last year. Very addicted to both, I recently (Christmas) upgraded the iPod to gen4 as I wanted to be able to run ios5 which I could not do on the earlier model. Probably a bit indulgent. Not having the multitasking and cloud like the iPad was annoying. I use them both constantly and keep everything pretty much synced. I use the iPad for most tasks but it is so nice to have the touch in pocket or purse when the iPad is home. Fits in pocket when hiking. I use it more for reading than anything else as bookmarks synch between the the two devices and the small size is nice for shopping lists, notes, etc when out and about. Probably will gift the old touch eventually.
iTouch 1st Gen and exclusively for audiobooks now - works a treat and is unaffected by the IOS 5 problem I have on my iPad2 which will not play purchased audiobooks, but happily plays audiobooks I've created myself . . . work that one out!
iPad 2 and a Kindle Fire along with an Android smartphone here. If I were a single member household it would be a bit difficult to justify both the iPad and the KF but I rationalize that having both means that when the 7 y/o has finished her homework and wants to play there's a device available. And with the Kindle Fire my wife can read in bed at night without keeping the light on while I have the iPad playing music through the headphones.

Considering the dismal sales of the iPod Touch in the last 18 months, I don't expect to see it around much longer. Possibly to be replaced by a "SuperTouch" that competes more directly with the KF.

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