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anyone having trouble with New Yorker app?

I deleted the New Yorker ap, reinstalled, and it is once again working well. This is a great ap and if there are no other problems I'll probably cancel the print version. Why can't the NY Times develop something as good?

Yes indeed! A great app and well worth it. I have stacks of the New Yorker all over as they come in so often, I just get through one issue before another arrives.
Corrupt issue?

I just started having this problem with the May 30th issue.

Notably, the problem only occurred while browsing that issue. I could browse other issues without crashes.

Archiving the May 30th issue (I.e., deleting it from my iPad) and redownloading it seems to have resolved things. From the pattern of reports, I suspect the problem is caused by a corrupted download of a magazine issue.

This is much easier than deleting and reinstalling the entire app!
I don't think it's the issues that are corrupt

Or the application. I have had this happen each week for a little while, and it seems to happen when there is a call to the internet (to update the library??) even though you're trying to read. Each time, it shuts down about 30 seconds after opening, wherever you are in the magazine. Each time, after a few tries, and a few hours, it works okay without me doing anything. This morning, after it not working last night at 10 pm, I opened it and it worked without incident.
Same problem

I have deleted and reinstalled app but have same problems as described on this forum in same order. I have posted a support request at the app store and got an acknowledgement but no actual answer yet. I hope they fix the bug; this is a very elegant app.
Same problem with New Yorker App

Worked fine for a while, now quits after about two seconds!
I've been having a problem too. It seems that after I open it, as soon as I touch the screen it closes. Will try deleting it and reinstalling. Thanks for the tip.
I've already deleted the app and reinstalled 2X. It's working TODAY, but I don't have a lot of confidence that it will continue to do so...:(
Same problem, but also need to redownload back issues

I've also had the same problem. Twice. Like others here, I've fixed it by deleting and reinstalling the app. But when I do that it deletes all my downloaded issues and I have to re-download them all over again. It wasn't so bad the first time when there were only a couple. But I can't imagine having to do this every week or so.

Do other people have the same problem, or is there a way to reinstall without losing all the back issues?
I've also had the same problem. Twice. Like others here, I've fixed it by deleting and reinstalling the app. But when I do that it deletes all my downloaded issues and I have to re-download them all over again. It wasn't so bad the first time when there were only a couple. But I can't imagine having to do this every week or so.

Do other people have the same problem, or is there a way to reinstall without losing all the back issues?

I had to delete and reinstall again yesterday. It never deletes the old issues, though. I wonder that happens on you ipad?

The app is quirky. Sometimes it will just fail to stay open, but I'll come back a while later, and it will work just fine. Other times it will quit unexpectedly but after I restart it will remain open and work just fine. There seems to be some relationship with the app seeking to connect to the library online.
New Yorker Crash

As soon as the app loads, trigger the menu by touching the bottom of screen and choose Library. It is likely the crash is triggered by a faulty download, so archive any content that is suspect then download again. That worked for me.

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