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App for keeping passwords for ipad air?


iPF Noob
Is there an app that keeps all the passwords for the apps you have on your ipad? Not for the sites on your browser but for the individual apps. I am new to the apple world so be gentle!
Why the restriction? The password keepers I know about keep all passwords. I use Keeper but there are several others.
Why the restriction? The password keepers I know about keep all passwords. I use Keeper but there are several others.

Second for Keeper. It does the job extremely well and it's free as well as opposed to say 1Password which runs you 18 USD (ouch). There are quite a few alternatives as well, but with respect to some of the bigger apps such as Dashlane, 1Password is a one-time charge whereas many others have premiums and such
Is there an app that keeps all the passwords for the apps you have on your ipad? Not for the sites on your browser but for the individual apps. I am new to the apple world so be gentle!

Hello and welcome to the forum! :) You are likely to receive a lot of different recommendations - there are many options available, whether free or for $$; plus, many will have apps for both a computer and an iPad w/ synchronization - my wife uses DataVault & I've used SplashID for nearly 3 years (we have the programs on both of our computers & on our iPads).

I would first strongly suggest that you learn about Apple's iCloud Keychain (information HERE) before making a decision, especially one that comes w/ a price - good luck! Dave
1Password here. I like it. It's a keep everything app, like Keeper. You use the areas/categories you want.
One safe here as I found 1password confusing and expensive. I was sick and tied of rebuilding 1 password on multiple devices. One safe offers a same access and so far has been excellent. It keeps not only web sites but bank access and other private stuff plus updates across all I devices I own. I love the ease of security. 1password lost the plot on my iPad then later only iPhone not to mention sync issues with my Mac book pro

My 2 cents worth
One safe here as I found 1password confusing and expensive. I was sick and tied of rebuilding 1 password on multiple devices. One safe offers a same access and so far has been excellent. It keeps not only web sites but bank access and other private stuff plus updates across all I devices I own. I love the ease of security. 1password lost the plot on my iPad then later only iPhone not to mention sync issues with my Mac book pro

My 2 cents worth

OK just downloaded oneSafe. Have been using The Vault, but this looks much better . Great level of encryption, I like the copy/paste feature and we're told it doesn't leave behind any cookies or browsing history. And seems a nice UI too. It has a cost, about the price of a pint... but we're talking vital security info here. Now to transfer everything over:) .... Thanks Col!

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
You are welcome yes it works every time and depending how you set it up mirrors changes on the fly. I spent a week or more testing security apps plus read about 100 reviews. Finally settled on this one.

One cannot put a price on private security. You said it cost of a beer and great value.
My main reason for keeping 1Password is the iMac. It is super useful there, and syncs to the other devices. If it was just iOS, then I'd probably use something else.
My main reason for keeping 1Password is the iMac. It is super useful there, and syncs to the other devices. If it was just iOS, then I'd probably use something else.

I'm going to have to chime in for 1Password. I have it on my Windows 7 PC, the iPad Air and my iPhone 5. It syncs between all three devices (using my Dropbox account as the "go between").

I know that there are other programs out there but for me, 1Password is it.


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