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App question and how many ipads can use


iPF Noob
I have a question- I own an ipad and may want to purchase a second one for the family. The question I have is I have already purchased an app for my first ipad can I also use it on the second? Or do you have to re-buy the app?

Thanks in advance
Yes, you can download the app onto as many devices as you want. The app store on the ipad lets you sign in and out with what ever account you want and then download apps that were purchased with that account for free.

You can also use that same itunes library on a computer to sync everything over to as many devices as you want.

now on the ipods/iphones/ipads the limitation that exists is the number of itunes accounts.

Lets say your family has 4 itunes accounts. One for each parent and two children also have their own accounts. You would be able to download apps for free that have been purchesed on any of these accounts. However each device can only have apps and music from a limit of 5 accounts. So if your family has 5 accounts your still good and can load everything for free. If for some reason there are more than 5 account you will have to pick the 5 that you want to be able to use and stuff from the 6th(and up) account cant be used.

This is really great for those expensive apps like GPS turn my turn direction apps. Navigon North America is $79, I purchased it all the time to route around traffic. I'm also able to download it onto my family members devices for free just by signing into my itunes account and downloading it from the app store on the device.
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I thought it was 5 devices per account, not 5 accounts per device. In fact, before I could add my iPad to my account, I had to deauthorize all my devices and start over with my mini, because I had reached the five device limit. Fortunately, three of those were PCs running iTunes that no longer existed.
I thought it was 5 devices per account, not 5 accounts per device. In fact, before I could add my iPad to my account, I had to deauthorize all my devices and start over with my mini, because I had reached the five device limit. Fortunately, three of those were PCs running iTunes that no longer existed.

The limit your talking about is the 5PC limit that you can authorize to play your music purchases with.

This limit doesn't apply to ipads iPods or iPhones each of your 5 authorized pc's can sync an unlimited number of devices.

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