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App store "can't buy"-error - app already installed!

I can't thank you enough, Geoff, I thought I was going to have to live with this forever more!

I'm glad I could help. I was having the trouble on and off for months and it was driving me nuts. Since it took me a while to find a fix I thought I'd try and help as many people as possible hence the tutorial. Obviously it would be good if Apple fixed the issue but as it's still not fixed in IOS 5.1 a tutorial was in order ;)

It has now been several days since i tried this fix, and no more annoying error!

Thank you sooo much for the fix, your a digital hero :D
Wow thanks so much! I've been going back and forth with Apple customer service about this problem, who in the end told me to take the iPad to the genius bar. It totally worked.

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