After upgrading to IOS 5, I can no longer connect to download an app.
I get the message " cannot connect to iTunes Store".
Anybody else have this issue?
Hi Mark - sorry about your problem - I just did the iOS5 upgrade and had no problem connecting to the iTunes or the App store after doing the upgrade - likely a rare issue IMHO? Also, I'm assuming that you are upgrading an iPad2 not jailbroken - please provide info in not so.
Just to get started, you might want to explain the specific steps leading up to the issue above, i.e. did you just hit those app icons (iTunes) and get any other dialog boxes? Have you been able to connect to the App store? Could this be a password issue? Response to these questions might help to provide a solution - good luck and hope your problem is resolved quickly!
My iPad is a first gen not jailbroken unit.
When I try to buy an app, I am told to login. I
make sure my password is correct. Then I get the "cannot connect" message.
Oh well, saving money I guess.
Hello Mark - there apparently have been some issues w/ the iPad 1 iOS 5 upgrades - not sure if this is one of them - there have been a number of posts about whether the older device might cause more problems in doing this most recent upgrade; not sure that I can add much more at the moment, but hope that others will 'chime in' to provide you a solution - good luck! Dave
You could try this, has worked for me:
Go into itunes on pc, under login - forgot password.
Type in a new password, preferably the same as the old one.
Save everything then try to log in again.