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App Store Updates update too slow/All devices


iPF Noob
Jul 21, 2021
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Hi all, for the last few days the App Store Updates take ages to update (over 15min when normally it's within 2minutes). This happens in ALL my Apple devices (2 iPhones and one iPad Pro). It happens no matter if I connect to different wifi networks. I tried rebooting, forgetting the network, signing out/signing in from App Store account, etc, but no success. All my devices have ample free storage space left (more than 50%). At this point I believe that this is an issue with the Apple servers? Are you experiencing the same? Thanks
Hi, yes, as I mentioned in my original post I tried different wifi networks/routers. I also tried changing the DNS server manually to Google or Cloudflare servers. None of this fixes the issue. So it happens in all my 3 Apple devices with different routers/networks/DNS servers, that's why it leads me to believe it's an Apple Server issue.
Hi, yes, as I mentioned in my original post I tried different wifi networks/routers. I also tried changing the DNS server manually to Google or Cloudflare servers. None of this fixes the issue. So it happens in all my 3 Apple devices with different routers/networks/DNS servers, that's why it leads me to believe it's an Apple Server issue.
Well, you've done my first suggestions which Scifan.. already covered - I assume you rebooted your devices? If an option on your router, you could try a different frequency band and/or channel (but these were likely different on the various Wi-Fi networks you used?). I also assume the downloads speeds were adequate? Finally, the status of the Apple store can be checked HERE. Good luck - Dave
After updating to latest iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 now the App Store is back to normal, this also applies to iOS 16.7.8 (i have an iPhone X too) app updates update at normal speed in all my devices. 😀. These updates include a modem update, maybe that fixed it.

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