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App turns iPad to iPhone!

I really want this. I am going to try it at the weekend I think... I can't wait to make a call holding my iPad to my ear on he train during the morning commute. Just for giggles you understand...
Just a point, why has this taken so long? The iPad has been out for more than a year and, with all the other apps out there, you'd have thought someone would have done this months ago.

PS we definitely need a picture of you making that call, Leigh...
It's one of those subjects that is just not as trivial as you would think to implement. The call handling piece of a phone needs a lot of clever stuff going on, particularly to make sure it get the right priority when a call comes in... On the iPad, from what I understand, all that gubbins is left out of the OS. So to re-implement it is a challenge...
I remember the old Microsoft WinMobile phones when they first came out and they just couldn't get that bit right at all... Used to crash all the time, and you couldn't pick up calls properly if you were doing other stuff on the phone...
I'm interested to see how good a job they have done with it...

I'll see if I can get the wife to take a picture of me on the iPadPhone on the train.... or maybe not. She would probably disown me if I did that in her presence! :)
I really want this. I am going to try it at the weekend I think... I can't wait to make a call holding my iPad to my ear on he train during the morning commute. Just for giggles you understand...

Oh do it. Take a picture too! Now, I just read that you dont' have to be JB to do this...

I wanna do it too!
If I had a 3G iPad then I would have to do this just for entertainment value lol
JChidester said:
Just download the Skype app and use the WiFi. Buy minutes from Skype -- costs 1.2 cents per minute. You can even get a dedicated phone number from Skype.

Thats not fun. We are only interested in this because normal iPads can't do this. That's what jailbreakers do. :)

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