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Apple Case - Am I the only one?

Apple case

I have the Apple case and really like it. Have never understood all the negative talk about it. Yes, it gets dusty and dirty if you really use your iPad, but that just shows how much gunk has been around without our ever noticing it before. Yuck!

Just wash it off with a little soap and water, and you're good to go.

I like the way it folds over and looks like a folder/book. Very slim and minimalistic.
i've got three cases and switch back to the Apple case when im packing for a motorcycle trip. I have a vinyl side pouch in my tour trunk and the Apple case fits in there like it was made for it. I like the ZooGue case as well but it is a bit bulky for packing in small spaces. The Apple case is a good all around, but not my favorite.
I like mine for the most part. It doesn't work well with the keyboard dock so I have to take the iPad out of the case everyday. I also wish it would angle the iPad up a bit more but other than those two things I like it.
I too have bought a number of cases and none match the design of the apple case.

BUT - I cant handle the dust. Its insane!!! It get all over the case and the screen.

What I want is a case exactly like the apple case but minus the "Dust out of nothing" effect. And perhaps slightly less "sharp" edges.

Anyone know of one?
I take my Apple case, about every 2 weeks, pull out my iPad, put it in the sink with some soapy water - give it a scrub with a sponge - and then pat dry and hang up for an hour. Good as new.

You put the iPad in the sink with soapy water? Oh no! :D Just kidding.

I've found soap/water work quite nicely to de-schmutz my Apple case.
I like the apple case (see my post in the other thread) - but it's not suitable for all occasions I'll admit. I'd quite like an otter box myself...
They were sold out of the official Apple case so I bought a Targus case that is really wonderful in design. It folds up to make an adjustable stand plus when it is folded down looks like the notebooks I used to carry around before computers were all the rage. It has lots of padding and I am considering purchasing another just like it before they are all gone.
I love the Apple case also. There is something elegant about it that the other cases just don't have IMHO. I agree about it getting dusty all the time though, i am constantly wiping it off with a damp rag!

I got an Apple case yesterday with another iPad I had to get and I will say it is not as bad as I thought it was before really using it for myself.

It does get/Look dirty easily for sure.
I like how minimal it seems and keeps the iPad feeling small and sleek even while providing some protection.
It also feels cheap to me and easily ripped or broken?
Differnt than the Otterbox,ZooGue and Belkin Skin I have used but I can see a reason to keep it too.

So many choices,so little time(and money)!

I have used the apple case since getting an iPad and case on day one. What I want is a case the props up the iPad at the same angle as the apple case in portrait mode as well as landscape. There are several games that only work in portrait mode and the apple always seems crooked no matter how you lay it in portrait mode.
Still waiting on my case to arrive from Apple, I carry the iPad naked in the meantime.
The back has a few minor scratches from less-than-sterile table surfaces, but I carry it and use it daily, that's expected.
I scoff at Harley Davidson owners that are afraid to take their bike out of the garage in the same way.
I scoff at Harley Davidson owners that are afraid to take their bike out of the garage in the same way.
Apparently you don't hang around any Corvette forums (and why would you if you don't own one?) There are guys who will spend $40-50,000 on a car and only put 4-5,000 miles on it a year! They only drive it on weekends and will never EVER drive it in the rain... ever! There is one guy who has a 1991 with only (are you sitting down?) 20,000 miles on it! To me, the joy is driving a Corvette, not owning one!

Oh crap! I am in an iPad forum. Sorry!

Back to your regularly scheduled topic.
Still waiting on my case to arrive from Apple, I carry the iPad naked in the meantime.
The back has a few minor scratches from less-than-sterile table surfaces, but I carry it and use it daily, that's expected.
I scoff at Harley Davidson owners that are afraid to take their bike out of the garage in the same way.

I want a case because of the way it positions the ipad for viewing not for keeping it scratch free. I don't like using it lying flat. Can anyone show me a case that puts the ipad at the same approximate angle in both landscape and portriat? Everything I see in portrait mode is almost vertical...

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