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Apple forum or lovefest??


iPF Noob
Sep 9, 2012
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I'm curious here. Is this a forum about the likes and dislikes about your apple product...or is it just a lovefest? I've noticed if you say something negative, the thread gets "closed down pending review.". Not everyone is happy...That's why there is competition. I came here to find out if other people were having issues with their iPads. I'm sorry if I'm not wealthy enough to keep up with Apples technology and can go out and buy a new iPad every time a newer version comes out. But I paid $800.00 for my iPad two years ago..I should NOT be limited on upgrades...not on a two year old device. Alot of my apps can't even be upgraded because I can't download the latest upgrade. Ive paid for alot of these apps...now I'm not able to use them to its fullest potential, and that's OK? I don't think so!
Charbarot said:
I'm curious here. Is this a forum about the likes and dislikes about your apple product...or is it just a lovefest? I've noticed if you say something negative, the thread gets "closed down pending review.". Not everyone is happy...That's why there is competition. I came here to find out if other people were having issues with their iPads. I'm sorry if I'm not wealthy enough to keep up with Apples technology and can go out and buy a new iPad every time a newer version comes out. But I paid $800.00 for my iPad two years ago..I should NOT be limited on upgrades...not on a two year old device. Alot of my apps can't even be upgraded because I can't download the latest upgrade. Ive paid for alot of these apps...now I'm not able to use them to its fullest potential, and that's OK? I don't think so!

It may not be okay but that is the way it is. Technology moves fast and old hardware can't keep up with new software. Oh and their will always be fan boys.
TheX said:
It may not be okay but that is the way it is. Technology moves fast and old hardware can't keep up with new software. Oh and their will always be fan boys.

I have no idea what a fan boy is...sorry
I've posted things positive and negative about Apple and iDevices, and have never had a prob with that on this forum.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and no one is obligated to agree with you.
There's plenty of negative comment here. No thread has ever been closed because of a stated opinion, and never will be.

Differences of opinion are encouraged. If we all had to toe the same line, I, for one, would be looking for a different outlet to spout my garbage.

So long as the rules are followed, there's no reason to assume any topic is off the table.

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Incidentally, with the exception of a few members, no one here has the kind of wealth to be spending on every new toy as soon as it comes out. Many if us use older equipment, and find few limitations.

Computers and electronics used to be obsolete out of the box. That's less true these says than it once was, but we will still be left behind to some extent.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
I'm curious here. Is this a forum about the likes and dislikes about your apple product...or is it just a lovefest? I've noticed if you say something negative, the thread gets "closed down pending review.". Not everyone is happy...That's why there is competition. I came here to find out if other people were having issues with their iPads. I'm sorry if I'm not wealthy enough to keep up with Apples technology and can go out and buy a new iPad every time a newer version comes out. But I paid $800.00 for my iPad two years ago..I should NOT be limited on upgrades...not on a two year old device. Alot of my apps can't even be upgraded because I can't download the latest upgrade. Ive paid for alot of these apps...now I'm not able to use them to its fullest potential, and that's OK? I don't think so!

Charbarot--Everybody is certainly entitled to their opinion whether it is positive or negative as long as it is delivered in an appropriate manner. Having said that, this is an iPad Forum that is not affiliated with Apple, but a privately owned forum. This is a community that has something in common, that we enjoy our ipads. Yes, there may be differences here and manage to have discussions that are appropriate and respectful.

Regarding your frustration of your ipad and the money spent, many share your feelings as well. Hope things shape up.

Oh and by the way...lovefest, no not at all. Many of us own Apple and Droid Tablets and are very happy with both. :)
It's not a lovefest, but it's also not a place to carry on a whine-fest about things that none of us can do anything about. When threads start drifting into just a whine-fest, with no worthwhile discussion or content....

Charbarot said:
I'm curious here. Is this a forum about the likes and dislikes about your apple product...or is it just a lovefest? I've noticed if you say something negative, the thread gets "closed down pending review.". Not everyone is happy...That's why there is competition. I came here to find out if other people were having issues with their iPads. I'm sorry if I'm not wealthy enough to keep up with Apples technology and can go out and buy a new iPad every time a newer version comes out. But I paid $800.00 for my iPad two years ago..I should NOT be limited on upgrades...not on a two year old device. Alot of my apps can't even be upgraded because I can't download the latest upgrade. Ive paid for alot of these apps...now I'm not able to use them to its fullest potential, and that's OK? I don't think so!

The problem with the iPad 1 is that it just doesn't have the RAM to handle the new and upgraded apps. It only has 1/4 of the RAM that an iPad 3 has. Apple would not be doing you a favour if they allowed an upgrade to iOS 6.0.1. That being said, all your purchased apps will still be there in your purchased list if you ever do upgrade.
Some people don't understand that these devices are a depreciated commodity. Don't expect it to be worth much down the road.

On top of that tech is an ever changing product. 2 years the iPad 4 won't be the top machine as something better will have replaced it. But that doesn't mean it's going to be worthless. Look at the iPad 1 forum. There are still people using the iPad 1 today and aren't complaining about it.

You either go with the flow or don't simple as that.
The only issue I have with whingey posts is that they often seem to hold Apple to a higher standard than other manufacturers.

Example, my first PC ran Windows 3.1 and had a 486 processor. My latest runs 64 bit Vista and has some quad core monstrosity that could have run NORAD a few years ago. Trouble is, it only just runs Vista, because the OS is such a processor hog that by the time you get a few programs running, the hardware is about ready to give up.

Apple are forced by the market to make continual improvements. Not so long back, people were complaining that Apple's policy of annual upgrades was leaving their products behind, and that the competing products were better as a result. Now that they appear to have gone to biannual upgrades, the complaints are still coming in thick and fast, not from the same people I assume.

Considering the iPad 1 broke the ground for Apple tablets, and became the yardstick by which other tablets are measured, I think it still stands up pretty well. The iPad killer has become the dream of the tech press for quite a while. They are still waiting (hopefully holding their breath) and I think they have a while yet to wait. Apple is at the top of the heap because of the delivery of the complete system; hardware, OS, software and support, and that is why customers like the thing so much.

If it was perfect there would be no need for forums like this one, so my advice is enjoy the iPad and enjoy the forum too. You'll get used to the idiosyncrasies of both after a while.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
If you owned an iPhone 3G and upgraded it past iOS 3.1.3, you'd know the pain of a device being brought to it's knees by an upgraded OS (4.0) that shouldn't have been released on it.

Apple have learned from that mistake.
If you owned an iPhone 3G and upgraded it past iOS 3.1.3, you'd know the pain of a device being brought to it's knees by an upgraded OS (4.0) that shouldn't have been released on it.

Apple have learned from that mistake.

Yes, iPhone 3G was rendered essentially unusable. Some people tried pursuing class-action lawsuits against Apple for crippling their phones.

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