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Who here bought an iPad even though they dislike Apple products?

I do the same with my phones, and I like the new iPhone, but refuse to be on ATT.

Hey man you know AT&T is really not that bad Despite all the bad press they get. Its really only bad in san Fran and new York. In az its actually great. And with the new iphone have a much better antenna it will be. Awesome.

By no means am i a fanboy. I only own ios devices minus the touch. ( I have an iphone why would i want a touch too?). I dislike Mac osx
Actually no it's really not. I don't live in California OR New York and there is not a single drop of 3G coverage for within an entire 1.5 hour circle of me. So I disagree. And where I am from in Pittsburgh, ATT there CONSTANTLY switches between 3G and EDGE, draining the battery like nobodies business.

If you live in a major city you're good to go. But even a lot of major cities with ATT are subpar. I had ATT for 3 years, I switched to Verizon...and I'll never look back.

AT&T still drops the ball in a larger citys here in Ca area ..my AT&T iphone still drops calls in some areas of the Los Angles area up in the hills area and the some spots downtown area ..

in northern AZ area i get out ok at times .. i do get better cell service along the interstates highways than the some parts of L.a but i think a lot of it is because of the volume of traffic that goes on the city at times and AT&T was not really ready for that amount of traffic over there network ..

this month is trying to see if Verizon will take my iphone and rechip it for use with the Verizon network ..
My name is Nick, and I used to be an Apple Hater.

However I, on a whim, just decided to jump on the iPad bandwagon and let me put this simply: I will never go back.

I may not love everything Apple now, as is the sentiment of many people in this thread, but I do have to say what Apple has done with the iP* devices is simply amazing.

I haven't been REALLY blown away by technolgy since the inception of LCD TVs, and I've never been so giddy about a piece of technology as I have been at the iPad.

It takes everything boring about casual computer usage and throws it out the window and sets it on fire.

From the second you turn on the iPad, even with the scarce (read: empty) applications there, you just know you have something special in your hands.

Then once you load it up with umpteen pages of apps, games, games, games and well, games, you realize that this isn't just a Netbook without a keyboard, it's not a replacement for a laptop, but it's a media device that just screams to be touched, used, played with.

I never wanted a laptop. What am I going to do on a laptop? Most of them aren't powerful enough to play high end games, and if you take that out of the equation, what else is there? Surfing, etc. Sure, I could do that on a netbook, but ever netbook I've touched is, well, boring and like a gimped out REAL laptop.

Anyway, the iPad is the device I'd always longed for. I got the 16gb version because, well, I didn't have the money to justify anything more. I sync a few gigs of music onto it and take it to work. I can put away my junky speakers and my Zune dock and use my iPad to play music.

I now have a media device that I can't wait to turn to and play with. Whether it be a quick game of Angy Birds, reading a comic, or a book, or just to look at some family photos, it's quick, responsive and, have I mentioned this yet? Fun. Damn fun.

I tried going the non-standard way of technology. I got a Zune, shunning the iPod devices. I got a Touch Pro 2, shunning the iPhone. Each time that I got one, I looked at the "sheep" who had the iP* devices and went "Hah, look at you and your devices!"

Now that I'm coming out of my Apple Hate bubble, I'm realizing that the reason so many people like these devices is, well, because they're easy to use and they provide enjoyment, like you'd hope music/media/etc playes to be.

I will likely never buy another MP3 player, but if I do it'll be an iP* device (unless something that has 120gb+ of storage hits the world, my Zune it'll be!)

If I buy another phone, it will be an iPhone.

I may stick with Windows for my Desktop/Laptops, simply because I'll be blowing so much money on iPods/Pads/Phones, but I've embraced Apple, and they get my nod for awesome media devices...

Now if only iPhoto would work for the PC or Jobs accepted Picasa... sigh..
I find everyone who touches my iPad, wants one. Spent weeks telling a friend on the West Coast that he should get one, and he finally did a few days ago. His first message to me after was "OMG I love it!" I don't care for Apple computers, but I don't think I've ever liked a new tech gadget as much as my iPad.
I dislike Apple business practices and even more, people who defend them no matter what.

I can't foresee any time in the next ten years ever possibly owning a Mac.

But they make the best darn gadgets the world has ever known.
I dislike Apple business practices and even more, people who defend them no matter what.

I can't foresee any time in the next ten years ever possibly owning a Mac.

But they make the best darn gadgets the world has ever known.

I have to agree.
I dislike Apple business practices and even more, people who defend them no matter what.

I can't foresee any time in the next ten years ever possibly owning a Mac.

But they make the best darn gadgets the world has ever known.

Apple ...the new Microsoft
I have never been an Apple fan. I used to work on them doing video editing and I work mostly on PCs now. To me they are just a tool. I have just as easy a time working on a PC as I do on a mac. I have always been irritated with how Apple seems to get away with doing the same things Microsoft gets sued for. Every one sees Apple as David, the little guy, fighting Goliath, the big evil corporate monster, when Apple is just as much a big, corporate, greedy machine as MS ever was. I also don't like Apple's closed system mentality. I understand why they do it, but I prefer to have the freedom to do what I want with my phone. I dont need Steve Job's "protection" from the big, bad evils out there. I've done just fine on my own. Then there's the whole issue of the Macevagelists out there. The people that buy everything Apple puts out just because its trendy and the cool thing to be seen with. They insist on telling everyone, everywhere how superior macs are in every way. They really turned me off to Apple products to the point that it was hard to even think about buying one.

For desktops/laptops, I have always preferred PCs due to price and hardware flexibility/compatibility. Macs are fine, but I tend to just upgrade the parts of my PC that need it every 2-3 yrs rather than buy a new computer - you cant really do that with macs.

I wasnt really wowed by the iPod. I had been listening to mp3s on my Pocket PCs for years before the iPod came out. Ipods are fine, but werent really for me, I preferred a PDA/MP3 player combo, and later a PDA/Phone/MP3 player.

The iPhone was pretty sweet and one of Apple's true significant innovations. The addition of the motion sensor, gps, separate GPU, made it something really revolutionary. I thought it was cool, but never bought one. My Windows Mobile phone from work could do everything I needed and even some things the iPhone couldnt (like open an Excel file from an email, edit it and send it back) and the iPhone was pretty expensive when it first came out. The iPhone was more pleasant to use for sure, but not really more practical as far as what it could do that was really needed to be done with a phone (the small screen was still a pain to work with no matter how great the device). When they hit $99 with a contract, I started considering one, but then the iPad, and several other tablets were on the horizon.

Microsoft's history is full of amazing, revolutionary ideas that they really dropped the ball on, didnt support with marketing, or failed to adequately advertise. The Pocket PC was brilliant, Windows Media Center is great, and my favorite was the Tablet PC platform. I was a huge fan of my Compaq TC1000. Microsoft had already stopped pushing the technology with windows mobile and stagnated, and they did the same with the Tablet PC. The Tablet concept was revolutionary, but they never pushed hard to make the deals to get the hardware cheaper, they never advertised the Tablet, and they failed to support it with the software to really make the concept shine. A true pen-based interface with pen or touch scrolling, app launchers, and such could have made it a hit, but MS dropped the ball. When I stopped carrying my 2001 model TC1000 in 2006 people would still stop me and ask what it was and comment on how cool the design was. No one seemed to know they existed.

When I heard that Apple was making a slate tablet, I was interested. My TC1000 was now too outdated and too slow, and there was no modern replacement on the market (other than a few $3-4000 specialty slates). HP was also working and one, and there was buzz about an Android tablet. FINALLY! People are starting to see the value of a highly portable slate tablet. I was particularly excited about HPs. The iPad hit the shelves, HP canceled their slate project, and who knows when we will ever see the Android tablet actually for sale on the market. I was tired of waiting to see what the others would pan out to be and jumped on the iPad. I have not been disappointed.
I still hate Apple. In fact I hate them even more now that I have an Ipad. There is no doubt in my mind that they make the best products hardware wise. Even the majority of their software works very well and intuitive. The problem that I have is I hate my gadgets telling me what I can and cannot do. I hate not being able to view/interact with the file system. I hate apple having the power to dictate what will and will not run on the product.

On the opposing hand I realize that it is their product and no one is forced to purchase. I love my iPad and think it is the best product out there period. I just hope Apple continues to innovate so that the other companies can get a clue about how to make a solid product.

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