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Apple ipad


iPF Noob
Apple's ipad is the best way to experience the web, email, photos and videos.It is a multi touch screen.Apple ipad is compatible with almost all of the existing apps , they offer a huge initial library of content to get owners started on. The large, high-resolution screen makes iPad perfect for watching any kind of video: from HD movies and TV shows, to podcasts and music videos.With the iPod app, all your music is literally at your fingertips. You can browse by album, song, artist, or genre, with a simple flick. To play a song, just tap it, and the now playing screen will show the album art at full size
The iBooks app is a great, new way to read and buy books.1 Just download the app for free from the App Store, and you’ll be able to buy everything from classics to bestsellers from the built-in iBookstore.The Home Screen gives you one-tap access to everything on iPad. You can also customize your Home Screen by adding your favorite apps and websites, or using your own photos for the background. And you can move apps around to arrange them in any order you want.Spotlight Search allows you to search across iPad, and all of its built-in apps.
What else do we need.All these at really affordable prices.Starting with $499 only.i think all would agree with me.Any suggestions are welcomed.
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