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Apple just announced an upgrade to their iTunes Match service which should please fans. They are increasing the song limit to 100,000. This will occur when they release iOS9 later on this year. Here's a quote with a few additional details,
Cue reminded followers that Apple Music will also get Match-like capabilities, meaning you can fill in any missing streaming music with your own tracks. Though the service will launch tomorrow with a 25,000 song limit, it too will support 100,000 songs when iOS 9 comes out.
That's good news for users who want song-matching in Apple Music but not iTunes, as it'll save them the $25 per year iTunes Match subscription. Also, though Apple has resolved many disputes with labels and artists, a lot of music will still be missing -- which users can buy from any source or fill in from their own collections. Apple Music is scheduled to launch tomorrow, and will be free for the first three months. After that, it'll run $9.99 per month.
Sound off if this limit bump will make a difference for your music listening habits.
Source: Engadget