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Apple Noob, just bought my first iPad


iPF Noob
Hey all new here and new to apple devices. I am posting an intro but have no real details to post yet so this si the best I can do:
Names John, the iPad was my wifes B-day gift we got 2 nights ago and our 2 (almost 3) year old son has taken it over as his, lol...

I will search the forums, but am having a little issue with puting videos on it, but won't clutter up my intro with that type of thing...
Welcome! They are rather fun little devices and intuitive enough for kids to use! Just be sure you protect your investment from junior;) Adding videos is easy peasy if you have iTunes covert them to mp4 video format for you(so QuickTime can play them). Then make sure the "sync all" box is checked under your video tab on your device(shows up in the "source list window pane" to the left in iTunes.
Clear as mud???!!!
You'll get it! Welcome!
Welcome! They are rather fun little devices and intuitive enough for kids to use! Just be sure you protect your investment from junior;) Adding videos is easy peasy if you have iTunes covert them to mp4 video format for you(so QuickTime can play them). Then make sure the "sync all" box is checked under your video tab on your device(shows up in the "source list window pane" to the left in iTunes.
Clear as mud???!!!
You'll get it! Welcome!

Oh yeah I know they are pretty intuative, our little guys played with his grandma and gramdpa's iPads, yeah they had them before we did, lol. So he was used to them and is a quick learner. Oh and we don't let him "play" with it without us around, but he does want to hold it, so we took him to the store and he picked out one of those rubber surrounds for the iPad, just in case...

I know how to get the vids over to the iPad, my issue is with the video quality of just one of the vids and that is happening on both the iPad and on the pc when played in iTunes, but played fine on that sam PC when viewed through mediaplayer or other PC centric viseo players. I started a thread about that issue in the iPad 3 section since a search didn't get me much.

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