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Apple Posts New iOS 11 iPad Pro “How to” Videos


iPadForums News Team
Apple posts new iOS 11 iPad videos.webp

MacRumors reports that Apple has released several new videos on its YouTube channel that focus on new iPad and iPad Pro features in the forthcoming iOS 11. The videos are all a little under 1 minute long, and are all very similar in style, featuring a pair of hands showing how some of the new features work.

The self-explanatory titles of the iPad videos include “How to get the most out of your hands with iOS 11,” “How to harness the power of the amazing new dock,” “How to manage and fly through your files with iOS,” and “How to get things done more quickly,” for iPad. The titles of the iPad Pro videos include “How to mark stuff up with Apple Pencil,” and “How to effortlessly scan, sign, and send a document.”

Underneath the videos you’ll also find brief descriptions of some of the new features, such as “You can add even more apps, open recent files, and drag and drop files using the new spring-loaded Dock,” and, “With the new Files app, you can find all your important files in one convenient place. Browse recent files, manage favorites, and even access files from your favorite cloud services.”

Source: Apple Shares New Series of How To Videos Focusing on iPad and iOS 11

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