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Apple Removes Porn Titles from iBooks Chart


iPadForums News Team

I don't know if you, like me, happened to notice recently some rather, um, adult titles appearing in the iBooks Top Charts on your iPad and/or iPhone? Well it looks like Apple did, as they've all vanished from the chart in one fell swoop, leading to accusations of censorship. In a report today, the Telegraph notes that four books with slightly titillating titles were all ranked in the Top Ten of the Top Paid Books chart, but they all suddenly disappeared off the chart together yesterday, to be replaced by what the Telegraph calls "less risque" titles. Book chart analysts approached by the Telegraph said it was very unusual for all four of the books in question to vanish from the chart at the same time, unless they had been removed on purpose, of course. The Telegraph recalls that in April Steve Jobs said that he wanted the iPad to be porn-free, and also reminds us all of the "great porn purge" of apps on the iPhone App Store back in February, as if we could forget!

Apple has made no comment on the sudden disappearance of the books from the chart, of course!

Source: The Telegraph
Question: couldn't they simply filter the material from younger viewers' eyes by checking their age from within their iTunes library information? It's beginning to seem like they're trying too hard to restrict material entirely when a simpler solution is peeking behind the corner. Or maybe it's jus my brain screaming because I can't download graphic novels:D
I thought there was a difference between erotica and porn as in pictures. If there are pictures all they have to do is to convert them to Flash:D

I doubt that there are so many kids owning or using iBooks or iPad for that matter. So the whole thing is kind of prudish! But hey, that's their thing, they're all grand parents now!!!:p
You can still get the books, they just pulled the titles from the top ten lists.

They own it and certainly have the right to do what they want, but what strikes me as odd is the manner in which its done. Things just mysteriously disappear and when asked about it, there is no comment from Apple. Why cant they just say, "we filtered the top ten list"?

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